Learning Spanish

Thank you for tagging me! I’m portuguese, so I understand spanish pretty well, but it’s great that you’re doing this, and it’s great to always learn a bit more :blush:

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Etymology. The Romance languages are descendants of Latin.

Sorry, I don’t have the time to follow this course. I really like the idea though!


Alright- challange accepted- I am on learning this stuff- one of my next journey destinations is South Amerka :sunny:- so thanx bro for setting this threat up :blush:



Honestly i didn’t do anything! I enjoyed the whole day! :joy:

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You’re welcome!

Good girl. Weekends are make to enjoy them, no to work all the day. Let’s cheers for that!


Yep! :smiley::smiley: I thought to do some work, but then left the thought as it was ! :joy: Just roaming around in the house and tried some music :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Alright- then I start with vocabularies??

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@theearlywalker welcome our new student!!:clap::clap:


Yay!more students! :rofl:

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With the alphabet and the numbers. Then check out the index.


Printed it all out today-

And doing my best to keep up :sweat_smile:



That’s dedication!


I was going to say the same.

Pretty good @theearlywalker.

Here are some common words. We are going to use them to start to do our first sentences.

  1. Boy = niño.
  2. Girl = niña.
  3. Table = mesa.
  4. Desk = escritorio.
  5. Cat = gato.
  6. Dog = perro.
  7. Mom = mamá.
  8. Dad = papá.
  9. Watch = reloj (de pulsera.)
  10. Food = comida.
  11. Day = día.
  12. Night = noche.
  13. Tree = árbol.
  14. Door = puerta.
  15. Water = agua.

Save this works because we are going to use them later. The next theme is very useful to read: The syllabus.


For personal questions, the work and the band I can’t continue with this thread until new notice…


Don’t worry about the thread! I only hope that everything is fine to your side… :frowning: :hugs: take your time and don’t worry about us! :hugs:


Ooooohhh everybody’s gone :yum::yum: well I hope everything is fine… don’t worry about it… first you and all about you… take your time :hugs::hugs::hugs: :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Take care! We just want you to be fine :hugs::hugs:
Nothing is gonna happen here… you just take care. :heart: We all are with you … *discord

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I’ll retake this thread in these days… stay in tune.


For those who don’t remember what’s a syllable, let me remind you:

A syllable is each hit of voice that each word has.

In the next example:

Amo (love)

We separate it like this:
a-mo, because when we say this word we use hits of voice.

After see the vowels, we stars to see the “m” with the vowels. This is what we did in our first exercise. Now we’re going to use them.

Ma, me, mi, mo and mu.

Linking each other we can form new words like:

A-ma (he/she/it loves)
A-me (He or I. Depending the verbal time.)
A-mo (I love)
E-ma (woman’s name)
E-me (name of this letter)
E-mo (Social culture)
E-mu (animal)
Ma-ma (he/she/it sucks)
Ma-má (mom)
Ma-me (you suck)
Ma-mi (loving way to call your mom)
Ma-mo (I suck)
Me-ma (name)
Me-me (name. Also the jokes on internet.)
Me-mo (loving way to call)
Mi (possessive pronoun: my)
Mí (objective pronoun: me)
Mi-ma (name)
Mi-mo (person who just use the pantomime)
Mo-mia (mummy)
Ca-ra-co-la (conch)

And we can continue all the rest of the 2017 in this jajaja I hope you were understand me, if you didn’t, please tell me!

Separate in syllables the next words. Follow the example:

Puma: Cougar.

Regalo. (Gift)
Sol. (Sun)
Día. (Day)
Tela. (Cloth)
Salida. (exit)
Teléfono. (Telephone)
Sabiduría. (Wisdom)
Ferrocarril. (Railway)
Sería. (He/she/it would be)
Seria. (Serious, female)
Colaboraremos. (We will collaborate.)
Zapatería. (Shoe store)
Matemáticamente (mathematically)
Felipe (same word. Male name)
Vino (drink. Also from the verb come.)
Almohadilla. (Pad)

Once you under this point, you will be able to read and understand better basic sentences.

When the “I” has accent it goes separate from the rest of the word:
Diría: di-rí-a

When the “I” doesn’t have accent it goes linked from the other letter:
Estudio: es-tu-dio.

A consonant can never be alone, it always goes linked to other letter.