Latinamerican Users!

Don’t talk about abandoned people :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Don’t mention it. Vosotros is the equivalent of ustedes. The fist one for Spain and the second one for Latin American.

Just ask us (the onion @framos1792 and me)


It depends on the context. If you say “vamos a coger” (let’s go to f***k) then yes. Coger can be translated as to take or to grab something. Generally in LA is vulgar and in Spain is just another word.

Jajaja :stuck_out_tongue: :hugs:

The world finally ends today! :flushed: :frowning:

¿En qué andan?**
En bici :v

Pos naa, aquí hablando sobre el español latino y el de España jaja

No for me. I’m too competitive, so instead I was learning something new I was making points just to be in the first 3 places. One week I did like 9k points, and still it wasn’t enough to reach the 1st place :confused:

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Ι am not a fan of duolingo I don’t think that it helps me… I prefer memrise, youtube and downloaded books!! :slight_smile:


My day is ruined…

Too nerdy

I abandon, I’m not the abandoned lol

Why you talking about my Cali people :triumph:


To each their own :smile: if you Anna or Anna :joy: ever want to learn learn y’all can come vacation in Spain, a Latin country, or here-ca :crazy_face: we will get you speaking fluently in a week :triumph: :crazy_face:

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If I ever come in California I’d probably be distracted for the whole week and I will not be able to communicate not even in greek, let alone English or Spanish :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Que hacen chicos? :grin: :v:t2:

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Oh, I get it.
I’m actually not learning Spanish cause I ever expected to do so. Just @IronSoldier16 pushing. And he just pushes to get around the German lecture :triumph: :crazy_face:
No time in my live, to studie in earnest. So duolingo I also use as ventil to skip reality. It’s a much better one, then scrolling through fb or insta or gaming and it has the nice side effect that words stuck in my brain. Never expected this.
In the competition thing, I have no interest at all.

Heeeyyy @agusdbianco :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: nice you check in.

You would hide under a rock, or the next refrigerator :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Then my day is done :crazy_face:

Insert red angry ball here.

I meant Latin American. I was too lazy to write that yesterday.

Don’t go there! All you will learn will be pendejo and some other profanities :rofl:

:innocent: jajaja you got me there. We’ll repass tomorrow, ok?

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:joy: you need one of the above! Hand signals and pointing I guess like :scream: :point_right:! Lol
I’m sure you’d love it here :triumph::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::joy:

Hola! Yo estoy en el trabajo! Y tu?

Is it though(?) :roll_eyes:

We don’t speak of these things :joy: :rofl: nah I’d be the tour guide :triumph: cough cough lol


What more do you need(?) :rofl:

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Nah bro… that was google translate haha

me voy a dormir :sleeping: buenas noches… :sleeping:

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Lol dang, I thought you came and did a summer abroad and picked it up at some point :upside_down_face:

Good night! Que descanses :grin:

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I wish i could bro… damn quarantine :sneezing_face:
The only language i picked up was broken english lol

aunque quisiera aprender español :nerd_face:

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Francisco es el indicado para eso :wink:

Told you you abandon your students :rofl:

Nothing new with that

Nah but he wants to make people believe he’s a righteous teacher

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He is :muscle: :star_struck:
Just easily distracted :video_game: cough, cough :laughing:

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No puedo negar lo que es verdad :grimacing: :joy:

So which student belongs to which teacher here? Lol

I refuse to take on any grasshoppers

I was a Mexican bred in captivity here in the US so I’m told that I don’t fulfill the teaching requirements :unamused:
@agusdbianco painfully puts it, I’m a fake mex :unamused:

They used to receive classes from my side. Then @framos1792 came and… Well… I joined his side :man_shrugging:

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