Last letter game

Narrow (He has 300+ likes received and 700+ likes given… He should a got 1000+ likes given and 500+ likes received for Empathetic one)

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wow (this a lot… in what time? or in general? )

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Wow (I was out for half an hour 72 unread!!! You’re on fire people!!!)

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Water (You got that Badge already tho :joy:)

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rare (yeah, sometimes it just burns @georkost, and yep- but it is too long ago to remember… @NoireXJasper)

Everyday (now I am afraid to leave!!! :joy::joy:)

:rofl: niice, but me leaving now- have to cook some dinner… bbl… and a last one:

you !

Urn (I need to sleep… Cya all then… Have a good day :blush:)

Nuts ( Goodnight soldiers ! )

Soldier :slight_smile:



Emptiness .


Reminding :thinking:

I’m not a mod :cold_sweat:
@lpfan61, if you ever need to flag someone down type the @ symbol then Derek or jFar920 (that’s Jordan)
There’s other mods around too but these two are the main chiefs as of now

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I’m sorry, I confused your username.

Sorry @lpfan61 for the mistake.
Sorry @framos1792 again.

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No worries bro, I actually felt pretty cool for a second :stuck_out_tongue:


Lorenzo. (Is this included)



That’s right him too