I thought it would be best to create this considering we will all want to share something in one way or another today… hopefully it helps to keep things a little straight and serves as a place in which to gather in if needed-no real directions here other than to express your thoughts, feelings, dedications, whatever it may be that you want to share in regards to today (it’s still the 19th here but already, it’s past midnight on the other side already
Here’s my part:
I haven’t really prepared something per se for today…whether because I avoided it or because I’ve been doing other things is beyond the point but I do want to at least say my piece on the matter-
I know a lot of times I can’t be taken serious because I’m always screwing around… that’s just who I was before and who i have gone back to being lately …I freely admit that haha but at the same time though, A couple weeks back when @lp13413 put up a balloonia lptv episode, it hit me-Chester was a freaking idiot as well
Personally I feel a little validation in being that way because as I’ve alluded to at some point before-a lot of times even humor is a mask for how we’re doing in reality…it’s been my case at certain times and I think it was a lot of times the case with Chester (@DavidZinssler mentioning masks reminded me of this thought too-if you haven’t seen his video, do so )
I know it’s counterintuitive in a way to encourage humor as I’ve just said it is partially a mask for what is underneath-i don’t know how healthy it is to do that in reality… but if I had something to say today to everyone it would be to push happiness and love and friendship as much as we can on this day
I know people are hurting to different degrees today-I again freely admit it bothers me but am more…accepting…than most (not @the_terminator status but closer to him lol)- but all the same I know it’s getting to some people to a much stronger level
I know this could possibly even rub some people wrong to have me encouraging an upbeat attitude today
But all the same I’d still push for it because I don’t feel anyone should dive into pain and hurt because of the occurrence of that day one year ago-just one day
I say just one day not to minimize the importance of that one day but because I’d like to push everyone to consider that it was nigh on 20 YEARS that people came to create memories and connections and relationships to that man and those songs! Emotion will dictate a lot of feelings today but why choose to focus on the one day of tragedy as opposed to focusing on every damn time that guy made us crack up, made us smile, and made us forget wherever the damn hell we were at in our lives! That man was a badass for lifting up spirits throughout his life, why should it be any different when we say his memory lives on in his and Linkin Park’s music, in LP soldiers, and in every life he helped out in? Give him due diligence and keep that badass stature alive by looking fondly upon every adventure, memory, joke, emotion and lyric that came through him
The Hollywood bowl concert is proof enough that those nearest him felt this same way, that they felt it would’ve been his wishes to do it that way- CELEBRATE the life of Chester Bennington not commiserate on the life of Chester Bennington,
Again…this is my personal point of view, if it does push the wrong buttons I’ll gladly reevaluate my wording or whatnot-everyone here knows by now that I’d stand by y’all if need be and lend a hand however possible, it’s not my intention to offend at all
I don’t expect to change the overall attitude of this day-but I do hope that it maybe encourages everything I said before, a little positivity, happiness, love, friendship
Make it a point to not just feel sad for how he was taken too soon, make it a point to make Chester proud! Smiles, acts of kindness and solidarity will go further in doing so than will sadness and pain!
I saw this a little while back and go back to the immaturity, light hearted ness and humor Chester had, hopefully it sparks good memories to you as well (ps language warning haha