That’s good, it means it’s got some moisture in it. Whenever it snows here (which is rarely and not for long) it’s always really dry and you can’t even make a snowball without it crumbling away immediately.
I was just on ebay and I saw this on the homepage:
What idiot posts a pic like that on their listing?
Something funny happened at work today; I was preparing something in the counter and a colleague of mine was trying to open a tin (a huge one) of cocoa and it slipped from his hands and landed all over me. Needless to say I was covered in cocoa within seconds. It was pretty surreal, like a slow motion scene from a movie… we were both laughing really hard for about 10min after.
Did you go home covered in powder?
I cleaned off as much as I could at work, my clothes still have stains all over them, but that’s alright.
Were people giving you weird looks?
Νο, it wasn’t busy today because of the weather. Plus, it happened like an hour before we close… we were alone in the reception area laughing away and taking photos of the mess (aka me).
Why is it so dead here today?
Not much going on I guess…
Could be worse huh?
True, still fun though.
let s have a look at the fun
Bands will be the death of me. Deftones and Rise Against are announcing a tour on Monday… I can’t deal with all the news lately! :’(
Nice! haha
I heard In The End remix yesterday in the club…dj totally screwe this up. I still hear “I tried ssssso hard…” inserts.
I saw it on Facebook. I was drooling.
As expected, Deftones and Rise Against just announced a joined tour. I’m so jealous!
New LP teaser is out!