I doubt they’d have me, there’s people that are miles better.
You never know until you try. I still believe you are amazing and they would be lucky to have you working with them
Yeah completely agree! And I think your degree will give you leverage as well.
Awwww- you’re sooo nice dear
Havent listened to it yet, but…
Yea i did.
I heard it on Spotify and Iove IT! Slim Shady is on fire!!
Woohoooo! You are back here! Welcome.
Eat a spaghetti
I had a dream about Mike last night that was pretty awesome.
First, he was painting really weird stuff somewhere, like not his usual skulls and art-sy things, it looked like he actually didn’t know how to draw.
Then I was at a show of his and he pulled 2 fans on stage to play his guitar but none knew the right way so he kind of gave up and asked if anyone knew the piano part and I screamed from the crowd and got completely terrified when he said to come up on stage. I somehow ended up playing In The End but obviously made mistakes and missed a few notes but he came up to me and whisperers to my ear “Next time you make a mistake, make sure to make it LOUD!” and I woke up.
Obviously these are coming from watching and reading the latest news of the tour but I thought it was pretty sweet.
I just read what Mike wrote on the instagram about the tour and I’m so proud of him and the soldiers who attended the shows!! Thank you all for being always this caring and kind and joyful! I love the LP family, the band and Mike!
Just feeling to say it…
Also thank you @IronSoldier16 for making me read it… You know I don’t have socials and I really appreciate your caring!
Whenever you want I’ll send you what Mike says
I check his socials, but not so frequently…
Thank you so much for sharing- so nice dream
Nor me, just when a notification pops up