Now better run!
Heat’s creeping on your heels!
I am your darkest fears,
The ashes on your teeth,
Cause I am running hell!
See you burn!
Dying on your knees!
There is no way to breathe!
Cause anger you released
Incinerates the air itself!
@jabinquaken did I told ya lately that I <3 ya?
no need to greed @coon hug ya both
about the tattoo -SLEEVE- LPU SLEEVE - YES -
can ya just gimme the server connection back @coon?! hugs anyways and an invitation to m< house… come if ya can… guys!!!
But in all seriousness I never knew what that meant, at first I thought it was a puff of air and then I read somewhere that it was ice cream. If it’s not ice cream what is it really?