In the studio videos (victimized/battleaxe, etc) what recording program is mike using?

yep, question is in the title. thanks!


well, you get an A for effort haha

That would be the wonderful Pro Tools HD 10.

He uses ProTools for editing, producing, recording and so on, also Maschine (beat making program) which is really dope and provides some really cool beats and as for plugins and and stuff, I know for sure he has Mercury and Waves.

Now, I bet he has many more but that’s all I know of. Hope that helped :slight_smile:

No, they’re in NRG Recording Studios, they use Pro Tools HD 8

No, they’re in NRG Recording Studios, they use Pro Tools HD 8[/quote]

I always thought they were using Logic Pro.
Good to know, thanks!

No, they’re in NRG Recording Studios, they use Pro Tools HD 8[/quote]

No it’s 10 actually. NRG always updates to the new versions

Windows movie maker

We have a winner.

We have a winner.[/quote]
I have a medal for you, Sir.

[quote=Ghost]Windows movie maker