Im a new member at this digital forum for LPU fans

Say hi :wave:Im from indonesia :grin:

Welcome to the forums, have fun!

^This^ (I’ve got nothing intellegent to post yet I want to post something). :laughing:


Hi welcome, @intanatang the @the_termin8r1 is eal short in his answers, but he´s a real nice guy, btw Rob (ot is now uploaded, or how do yasay, if a site goes online?)

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Not always :wink:

Not yet :confused:

ckuf attaw! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ecin ot teem ay thgih!

Lol, I’m not that bored anymore :laughing:

? ton yhw :persevere:

lol esrever ni etirw llits nac I tub derob sa ton m’I

ilol totalitation out of topic for sure, have to go to bed now, 12 hrs busy work I´m done, but one question more, when will start? I miss this hanging around, listen to music together and have some fun… good ol plug-dj @the_termin8r1 @TripleXero @Gatsie @evooba @susannchen @amitrish and all the other soldiers… :persevere:

ΓI’m sure it will in a few days, keep checking the other thread we have for this topic. seems like they aren’t handling their site very well. They’ve pushed the date back twice, and now it doesn’t even have a set date. Yesterday they disabled posts on their Facebook and completely disabled their subreddit

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Well hello new squishy. Welcome to the lpu, where everyone. Is. Safe :3

That’s why when making a site you don’t make any promises in terms of release date. Trust me, I know.

pure us, we don´t find a home that matches reeally, music, chaat, fun relationchips etc :persevere: