If you wanted to time travel?

What year would you want to time travel back in? why? :grinning:

Any year, preferably some time before the discovery of electricity so I can bring a bunch of electronics (and a generator) and mess with everybodyā€™s heads :joy:

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LoL that cool

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When Iā€™m not the termin8r Iā€™m usually the trollin8r


Go to Lp first concert lol


Possible tell them all of their future music where Lp will be saying wtf.

:joy: :joy: :joy:

Someone would like to revive this thread? :slight_smile:


Lol if I could go back on time I would go back 2 years so I could post on this thread while it was still relevant.


I would go back 2 years and make sure we didnā€™t have to revive this thread today

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Alright :joy:

Iā€™ll add this to be closed :upside_down_face:


Iā€™d like to be at the creation of Universe, so Iā€™ll be rich and famous for having found out what was before it :joy:

Iā€™d like to see Jane Austen

And of course first Linkin Park concert and then all the performances they made and possibly record the one in which they played ā€œPictureboardā€

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If you want be be rich and famous, go back and invent the transistor.

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Why canā€™t I do both?

Oh what a sad story
Iā€™ll miss this in the future
So I can go back and save it

Thanks for the reminder. I nearly forgot

:scream: internal scream

Go back in time go back in time go back in time!

Iā€™d go to 2017 and stop Chester from committing suicide. I wish I had that right.

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Iā€™d set the machine on ā€œloopā€ and fix it on the date of their concert in Athens in 2009!
May the rest of you go on, iā€™m staying there in an infinite loop!
breaks machine

Thatā€™s a bit hard question, because that moment was devastating and Chester was a wonderful soul but if Chester was still here with us there wouldnā€™t be so much awareness about mental health as now, there probably wonā€™t be the LP Family as we know it, the guys wouldnā€™t be who they are now and they wouldnā€™t get stronger through the painā€¦ But the story isnā€™t made by ā€œifā€ and ā€œmaybeā€

Waiting for the thread to be closed by now