I need more sketch nights in my life

Awhile back I attended a sketch night event at a local comic shop across from my own shop (super nice people btw!) Normally the drawing events that I’ve gone to was a “hey let’s just hang out here and shoot the breeze while we all doodle” which is also fine by me lol! But this one had a live model; something I haven’t really had the opportunity to do since my college days.

The model for this night was also the bartender for the shop. She makes her own props and costumes so for this first night, we went all out (well, at least in my opinion she did) She had these super cool horns and hooves that made her look like she was 8ft tall or something (and she was already a tall lady so now she towered over us LOL) It was just awesome.

I think my favorite part was that she never stood still. I mean, for one she’s standing on friggin’ hooves for 3 hours so yeah that hurts like hell but for me, I really enjoy gesture; getting the essence of that particular pose as quickly as possible before something changes it. And it was a fantastic challenge because it felt like sometimes the moment I put pen to paper she shifted so I had to work quick. I got some really cool bits that I was super excited to pick through in hopes to use later.

Here’s what I had a week after the event. Made a few tweaks here and there (made her grey instead of her normal skin tone, added some accessories and stuff)) They’ve had other sketch nights since then but she was my favorite model hands down!


Its lovely!!