I Get Requests, What Can I Say?

So, I’d made a blog post about this awhile ago, but not many people saw it… So anyway let me explain.
Some time towards the end of last year I started bringing my sketch book into school.
It has stuff that kind of looked like this in it:

and a little bit of this.

Then someone asked me to draw them. Well that was really challenging because I’d never drawn a person before.
And once I did the person showed everyone and then I ended up with a bunch of requests - valentine’s day presents, birthday gift, just for the awesomeness of having themselves drawn by a friend.
I didn’t mind, to much, I like challenging myself and I always seem to surprise myself because I wouldn’t have expected it to come out so good… not to sound conceited or anything.

Anyway I won’t post the portraits I drew of other people for obvious reasons but I’ll show you a bit of my photography as well.
I took a minor photography course and I think it went I pretty long way.

This was somewhere in Dubai, on my recent holiday. And this came from my crappy phone camera.

From a Zoo in Abu Dhabi.

From a plane window, from our descent into Sydney. You can actually see the Sydney Harbour Bridge and Opera house.

And lastly this one.

It’s my folder with all my sheet music for band practise . And this just makes me happy.

love the chester drawing :smiley: