How many are we?

I want to know how many LPU-Members exist.
I found no answer, so let´s count! :slight_smile:


heh perfect topic :smiley:



5 [lol]

So I counted how many members show up per page when you view “all members”. There are 80 on each page and 496 full pages and 13 on the last page giving a total of 39693 LPU members. LOL

I was already typing this, but then I realized that interrupting such nice postwhoring thread would be rude. :slight_smile:

39,693??? Oh my God! [eek]

I was already typing this, but then I realized that interrupting such nice postwhoring thread would be rude. :slight_smile:

Well I wasn’t trying to be rude…

You spoiled he whole fun D:

I also expected less than 39000


ok, at least we got an answer now…
Mytiemo is just a little too clever! Damned!!!

39693…and that are just the Underground-People. Imagine how many LP-Fans we are all over the world… we had luck to be in the first lines…wow


Now there’s 39,706!


What, if the community site still shows inactive, former trial members? I guess we have to start with


ha, ha…

[quote=Shoegaze4u]What, if the community site still shows inactive, former trial members? I guess we have to start with


ha, ha…[/quote]

2 [lol]

Interesting question!
Lucky 40k… Do you think there has ever been more than that?

Gotta catch em all!


It would be if I wrote it, you’re automatically forgiven. :slight_smile: