How do we use our LPU membership for early entry?

Hi guys, I’ve been part of the LPU for over a year but unfortunately LP haven’t toured here for the past 3.5 years… so I haven’t got to use the early entry part of being a member.

I’m hoping they’ll be back to Australia sometime soon, and I’m wondering how we gain early entry as a LPU member.

I have a laminate from my last membership, but I’ve just renewed and just have a digital membership so I’m confused as to how I’ll gain early entry if/when I get to use it.

I know this is probably the most obvious question to you guys but I have no idea :blush:

you just need a print of your digital membership, take it to the concert and give it to the security.
You get informations one day or at the same day, when you have to be at the place.
Better you have the laminate, because the security isn´t always the best… so they have to ask to lorenco ore someone else… But you have the early entire with the degital membershit =)
Hope it helped…

Thanks for the info :slight_smile:

I always wondered about that. I figured it would be using the laminate when I had one last year, but then this time when I have re-subscribed I just got a digital membership so there’s no laminate.