How did the pre-sale go?

I ended up #4 in line for Cincinnati, OH after being in 1st place for the majority of the pre-sale event. I got knocked down 3 places at the last minute! Where did you guys end up? What was your strategy?

So I’m wondering whether the 5:02 close time affected stuff
I checked 5mins to go I was 4 then checked at 5 and was 5 then refreshed and I was 6
Then like half hour later when I went back to that page it had me at 8? Oh well
And you know I was like you, mostly references but yeah
It was pretty fun either way and it made time go by quicker for may 19 :grin:

I think 1 thread is good for this topic. Please share final spots in the already created thread - Where is everyone in the pre-sale line? - #101 by Maddpoet