HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

I just finished reorganizing all my CDs, and I’m relaxing on the rest of my one day off of the week!

My aunt also stopped by and dropped off my birthday present…brownies, ice cream and some lottery tickets!

@theearlywalker last night was good! We ended up ordering pizza and chicken wings, and celebrating with cake and ice cream!


Well that was some entertainment…for 15 mins we had a power but…not just my house but 3 other towns…saw a tweet it said 76,000 people had been affected!! House alarms were going off and a neighbour didn’t even know his alarm code!!!


:sunny: Good morning family :sunny:feels like it’s waaay too early to get up, but the night ( with buzzing mosquitoes in my bedroom… it’s October :hushed:) is unfortunately over…

Have a good day soldiers and stay strong :muscle:t2:

Ot: :coffee: & :coffee:

@LP13413 happy to hear you’ve had a nice evening- hope you’ll win some big prizes!! Sleep good :zzz: :blush:


Actually I struck out on all five. :laughing:

Have a great day!


Lol - isn’t it always like this?! :joy: … and thank you :blush:


Still have it as a poster


Hello everyone, hope everyone had a lovely weekend :hugs: I am glad I could help some people out with my explanation, love you all :kissing_heart:

I’m on my way to Köln (Germany). My husband and I are going away for a couple of days. Brought Masha to the dog hotel and we will pick her up Thursday evening. She will have a wonderful time there, which makes sure I can truely relax the next couple of days :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: of anyone has a good idea what we should do in Köln, then just let me know! :smiley:
A picture of Masha and me: on the left she was 2 months and now she is 6 months :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Have a nice Monday all :heart:


Hahaha shit! TRY FOR PEOPLE NOT TO USE VIOLENCE. :rofl: shit. Didn’t check the line good :rofl: my bad.

Awesome. Ive been in Cologne. I live 2 hours driving from there. :innocent: have you been to the church/cathedral? Check, if you like, some beer pubs… they are good…:grin: :+1:
Have a lovely day! Enjoy with Masha and your husband. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh nice, I live 2,5-3 hours away from Köln :grin:
Thanks :kissing_heart:


Good Morning LP Family!

Hoping everyone had a good weekend!
Not much happened on my end so was pretty low-key but hey nice to have a weekend off :smile:

@birdy1989 enjoy Germany! I’m sure Masha will love the Dog hotel :smile:

Hoping everyone has a good Monday!


Our hotel is right next to the Dom :relaxed:

OT: enjoying a drink and a shisha at a lounge bar in Köln


@birdy1989 What?! :scream: That is so awesome :sunglasses: :+1: :metal: I’ve got a kind of similar photo :grin:
Cool. When i was there i slept in a hostel. Also very close too the Dom.

Enjoy your time! If you want the visit Nijmegen - NL ( 2 hours driving from Koln) text me. I’ll come to meet you. :smiley: :relaxed:


20170326_150404 20170326_150902
Have you been here? Largest building of Koln, nice view of the city. Price, i don’t remember, but the view is nice. :metal: :relaxed:


Hey everyone!

@alz89 Yikes! Not fun!

@birdy1989 Enjoy your mini holidays!

OT: I had a very interesting day at work. Been in and out of meetings all day with the new company. Everything seems quite promising and I’m excited! 2 weeks to go!

Now waiting for my manager to finish up with them and then we can head home.


I’m enjoying some down time before another long night ahead of me. Before I go to work tonight, I have an ever-so-fun dentist appointment waiting for me.

I hope everybody’s having a fine Monday!


At the doctors to get my ears looked at…in sooo much pain! Only way I’m sleeping is sleeping tablets!


Wish you the best of luck in getting them to treat it asap :persevere:

Call mr sensi to help too :sweat_smile:

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Ouch- that was a reminder… postponed my cleaning appointment 8 mth back and your post reminded me just now that I „forgot“ to make a new one :scream: sheet…

@birdy1989 wow Marsha :heart_eyes: so big… and sooo cute :dog2:- enjoy Köln … and try the Kölsch mit Currywurscht … :yum:

Dear @alz89 :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: get a bonecrusher - hope it’ll heal quickly :pray:t2:

@drounzer have a good daaayyyiii - ähm evening :laughing: and @justinkilmer sending you strength- :muscle:t2: Feels like if you could need some :hugs: and a nice evening to you too @evooba

Ot: browsing

@framos1792 :upside_down_face::blush::upside_down_face::blush: good to have you here :hugs:


Free day! No work today! Spam ahead! Yeeeeeyyy!!! :joy: :smiling_imp:


Hey appreciate it! :smile::hugs:

Hope all is going well with you! :smiley_cat: