HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Hello everyone :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I missed you all a lot!You were in my mind and heart last month. It was crazy! The woman I was supposed to work with this school year called in sick in the first week and in the second week she said she aint comming back. So all of a sudden I was working 4 or 5 days a week at school and still helping my husband in his company in the weekends. After a couple of weeks I told him I couldn’t do it anymore so he made arrangements so I could focus on my work at school. And now, a little over a month after school started, I have my normal life back: 3 days of work at school, taking care of my sweet Masha and helping my husband whenever necessary. And my parents came over today to help me clean my house :smiley: so everything will get better now :hugs:
How have you all been? I missed all your stories SO MUCH!! :yellow_heart:
Oh and yesterday my Phone deletted itself so I lost everything!! :scream: so @anna834 my dear friend, please send me a message, I lost your number in the proces :see_no_evil:

Cant wait to hear your stories again. Much love to everyone :yellow_heart: :kissing_heart:

OT: getting ready for a fun night with my co-workers


Yay @birdy1989 is back again! :smile:

I’m glad to hear that you’re life is getting a bit back to normal lol, I feel like that would be very exhausting having a full time job AND helping your husband and is company!

Don’t you just love technology? :joy:

Hope you enjoy tonight with your co-workers!!


Now I’m curious :rofl: do tell me… for the rest of the people… dont read what Justin is gonna say. Just read over it…:joy: … so tell me… what is it what you want to say… :smirk: :innocent: :ear:

HEEEY @birdy1989 welcome back! We missed you :heart: good to hear you take good care of yourself :muscle: hope everything goes better now?! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I find myself curious too :thinking:

@birdy1989!!! Hello!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: the other boys have been terrible during your absence :face_with_raised_eyebrow::confused: you need to instill order much like you have done at your school :nerd_face:

Ot: want to leave work earlyyyyyyyyy :partying_face:


@hilaryfol you can do it and you will! the first few days and maybe three weeks are gonna be tough but then you’ll we see the first results :muscle:t2::
@framos1792 hope you did it? :blush:
@drounzer oh you’re a 91 kid too? (born in 1991) Yeah! :rofl::muscle:t2: :sunglasses:
@birdy1989 oh nooo , maybe some recover apps or software?
@justinkilmer enjoy the time with your friend from Denmark. Coffee and rock music = perfect start in a new day
@anna834 oh, you’re not that far away from me :scream:
@anngelenee I WANT THAT DARTH VADER MUG :heart_eyes::star_struck: Jon Snow is ok but not my favorite from G.o.T
@LP13413 working saturday sucks :frowning_face: hope you find enough time to relax :slight_smile:
@evooba which kind of festivals?

@theearlywalker sooo, it’s time for another oldschool pic right? :rofl::sunglasses::metal:t2::metal:t2:


Who’s going to spend the weekend like that? :rofl::metal:t2:

I’m going to this with some video games, music and music - Maybe I’m going to do somethinge else if the weather is getting better tomorrow

Whishing all of you soldiers a good weekend - stay strong, enjoy life and for sure music:sunglasses::pray:t2::heart:


had a feeling you would :joy: I’ll leave it to your Imagination lol

Will do! and of course! the coffee may be long gone but the music is still going strong today :joy:


This is what today feels like coming home at the end of the last two weeks I just had.


And yes!


long day! Didn’t get to leave early and shit just piled up so missed out on so much :expressionless: made it to see sum 41, flipping killed it :exploding_head: loved it! Saw the end to staind (bloody hell :exploding_head:) then watched slipknot :flushed: I’ll say this…they put on a flipping show :anguished:

Finally home, tiredddddd :sleepy:


Just waiting to get my blood test…meant to get every 5 weeks or so…I can’t remember the last time I went! Oops!!


:sunny::sunny: Goooood morning LPU :loudspeaker: happy Saturday you wonderful bunch…:sunny::sunny::sunny:. after a buzzy cleaning day yesterday I continue upstairs today yeah :tada: ( a bit sarcasm within… :crazy_face:) but honestly a part of me loves to clean and tidy up :broom: :crazy_face::crazy_face: ofc with louuuud music

On another note: I checked out Jordans dicord server by coincidence… he absolutely improved it and RB is there :tada: it’s fun to surf the channels and meet a lot of new people… will be there more often- check it out guys - you can become friends and can dm too

Take care family and always be aware of the luck that we have to have each other :heart:

Ot: chores around the house

@LP13413 Yaaay :tada::tada: I so feel you - grats man- you made it!!! Have a great weekend :confetti_ball::tada::+1:t2: and join plug maybe tmro morning?!

:sunny::sunny:Good Saturday everybody :sunny::sunny:


Good night, sleep tight over the pond!:sleeping:

Good morning to all of you! :hugs:
Thats both my bed window view of the guest trailer at my brothers. :blush: Finally vacation. :ok_woman:

You did it!! :grin: It will go easier the next time! :muscle:

I want to hear this :laughing:
Justin, a hug from me :hugs::yellow_heart:

Birdy :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: missed you here! Happy it slowed down for you! :blush: :hugs::heart:

It’s still a 2 hour ride to Kassel :grin:
But lots of concerts tonight in the city…:sunglasses:
Thanks for the awesome wallpaper! :star_struck:

:partying_face: Finally! Enjoy your weekend! :relaxed::hugs::orange_heart:

Great evening! :tada: Sleep tight :hugs::black_heart:

Hope all went well! :muscle::hugs::purple_heart:

@drounzer hug for you :hugs::green_heart:

@IronSoldier16 Hey you!!! Don’t go MIA :hugs::blue_heart:

@gabridc98 just this :hugs::black_heart:

@theearlywalker see you tipping! :blush: big hugs for you! :hugs::revolving_hearts:

Yesterday I arrived in Weimar for a little time off and my brothers birthday. We went to the city, there was Onion (:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) market with lots of booth and stages with different music. Just awesome, will post some pics in when and where. Tonight, we will go again. :blush:
But for now, I have to work on my book. This is my office :blush:
And the view :smile:

Great weekend to all of you! :sunny:
For the working squat, stay strong! :muscle:


Back at work, hoping for a relaxing day since it’s supposed to rain heavily. Lots of catching up to be done with my manager as well.

@LP13413 You did it!! Hope you can relax as much as possible this weekend.

@jFar920 Feel better soon!

@HakManLP Not sure exactly but I assume we will focus on the UK ones the most.


a little bit far away :rofl:

@anna834 nah, not 2 hours - I live in the ‘Landkreis’ and it’s closer to weimar :sweat_smile:

@alz89 hope you’re ok? :scream:

@LP13413 perfect picture for that :metal:t2:

OT: Good morning everyone, got some coffee and listening to KoRn (self titled album turned 25 yesterday), Papa Roach and SlipKnot :metal:t2::heart: And it’s sunny in good old Germany, so I’m gonna spend some time outside and enjoy the weather


:joy: I fight with myself so hard to not keep the cup to myself :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

So, who’s your fav? :thinking::smile:

Ot: I have to get rid of my old couch :axe::axe::axe: have the chance to take my anger out :joy::smiling_imp::upside_down_face:

Have a nice Saturday :slight_smile:



Have fun :laughing:



Thanks! :crazy_face::axe:

1 Like

Watching that 70s show, have brownies in the oven. Awaiting lunch today, going out for my sister in law’s 45th birthday.


Currently stuck in traffic going back home, no idea why it’s so busy! It drives me crazy!

But, it’s been a great day at work, got a lot of things done and caught up with my manager. It’s kind of funny cause now that I only see him twice a week, he’s like finding excuses for us to stay in the office longer and chat or he hangs around upstairs more. Hoping tomorrow will be just as good.

@HakManLP Far away?


It might not have been a normal school day, but me and two co-workers each put in 11 hours of overtime today working a marching band event.


Good morning everyone! :sunny:

Sleep tight over the pond! :full_moon:

And @Honey8 :revolving_hearts: its Sunday, a little relaxing time, please! :hugs:

:flushed: You already crossed the finishing line :exploding_head:
Hope you get some relaxing done today! :hugs:

Is it done?:hugs::heart:

It’s seeme a little bit a ghost town again! :ghost:
Where is everyone?:thinking:
If you all have exiting weekends lets hear about it! :partying_face:

@framos1792 @Lilyope @jrtrussell @lpfan61 @justinkilmer @anomalia @drounzer @zanybelle @chigokurosaki

I’m still at my brothers, we watched the Joker last night and entered the Onion market again.
It was just awesome! :partying_face:


Plans for today? :smiley: book and relaxing :blush:

Great Sunday to all of you! :relaxed:
Working squat, just this :muscle: