HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Good to hear! Fingers stay crossed!

After 14 years, wow, never stayed at one place that long. And than so fast. Wish you strength for all the packing and moving. And a good settling in the new home!

Professional mice catcher? Cool. Please, tell us, how it endet. Maybe you need my cat. :wink:

special hug for you :hugs:

Going to design a Shirt :slight_smile:


Very happy to hear! :sun_with_face: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Awwww!! Here’s extra powerful sunshiny hugs!! :sun_with_face: :heart: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :sun_with_face: :heart: :hugs: :hugs:

OT: drawing :crazy_face:


Sending you lots of love and strength my dear I know this isn’t easy for you but I will be here for you every step of the way

@justinkilmer sending you strength and hugs :hugs:

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congratulation on your new home.

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i was learning to make chappati. lol. my mum says if you can make that then you can make anything. The veggies and stuffs can be made as per the person’s taste :slight_smile: hehe

Good luck!!

Sure you are superr stronggyy!! :muscle: :smiley: :sunny: :heart:

lots of work to do then!! Go with a steady pacee!! :smiley:

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Working until 3 pm then ii be hone

I hope your father is doing better @justinkilmer

@theearlywalker Good Luck! And congratulations on the move. Change can be a good thing. Loads of strength to you :heart::hugs::heart::hugs::heart::hugs::heart:

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@anna834, @justinkilmer, @lpfan61

I’m watching the video, and this mouse literally has its face on the catch, licking the peanut butter off. At one point, it literally has its toes on it, and licking the traps clean.

God forbid, if I try and touch it without even putting any pressure on it…

These are the same traps we’ve been using all along. Since Thanksgiving (the end of November), we’ve terminated at least a couple dozen mice. For the last couple months, the numbers have been slowing down considerably.

These are still the same traps, and we’re not doing anything differently (although - one night last week, I did spray them with WD-40 so they would snap faster).

One of my co-workers suggested that we borrow a few cats from the Humane Society, and let them loose in the school every night.

We actually have a huge pile of sand sitting in the basement of the pool in the high school, so we have our own litter box, too!

[spoiler]Do you want to see a screenshot?[/spoiler]




That’s going to be a big problem if the mice are that clever and lucky! :crazy_face:

[spoiler]If you put some poison on the butter? :grimacing: at this point…[/spoiler]

It’s literally straddling the catch. This is not okay.




On my way home from work. Busy day but managed to get all of my desired days off booked :slight_smile: Got July 20th as an extra too!


@LP13413 its amazes me on how they are able to do that! You never really realize how crafty animals/pests are until something that like happens,

OT: on my 3rd big cup of coffee for the day :rofl:
Just heard from my mom, the Drs say my dad looks good considering everything thats happened these past 3 months so thats positive!


Gosh you guys… I truly don’t deserve all of you. Thank youuuu. ;~;

But as thanks, I drew on top of a photo of me at a music store. Heh.photo_2019-04-03_17-29-10


Good morning guys :sunny::sunny::sunny: Thank you all so very much for your support and good wishes :blush::hugs::hugs::yellow_heart:- feels so good to have you all in my back with your positive energy :heart:

Ot: :coffee: & :iphone: & :sweat_drops:

We had a vole in the garden that was the same as your mouse is- survived 3 years against everything we did- traps, poison- closing the hole with concrete… then suddenly it disappeared :ghost:… good luck for you and have a good nights rest :crescent_moon:@LP13413


I’m taking a different approach tonight. I set the traps back-to-back, and awayy from the wall, so they have to work a little more to get the peanut butter off.


Good luck :four_leaf_clover: :muscle:t2:

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Goodmorning everyone.
I didn’t check this thread and I hope I didn’t miss a lot of important stuff. I did read back to see whats going on with you @justinkilmer and I hope everything is okay :kissing_heart: sending hugs, strength and a lot of love your way :hugs: keep us updated whenever you can or feel like it :pray:t2:

Waking up still sucks like hell, feel worthless, sad and like shit. Yesterday was a good day, my husband took me out :heart: hope today will be good as well. Bought CBD e-liquid, going to try it out today. Hopefully it calms me down whenever I get too anxious :pray:t2: it worked for Scott from the vlogs of Depression to Expression (YouTube). So lets hope it works for me too

Hope you all have a nice day full of love and happiness❤️


Hi @birdy1989, good to hear from you. Is this CBD legal? Where I live, it probably wouldn’t be.

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Yes it is @anomalia , it doesn’t get you high or anything like that. It just has a relaxing effect.
I tried it out this morning and it works, It has a slightly relaxing effect, but not like drugs. It just sooths your mind for a bit, which made the anxiety’s go away. Weird how this helps :sweat_smile:
Before I ordered it I checked it out online. It doesn’t changes your ability to do stuff, you can drive your car and all that, it doesn’t change your state of mind. So don’t worry :blush::kissing_heart:

How are you doing today? :kissing_heart:


@birdy1989 Thx for asking. I’ll survive :slight_smile:
How’s your legendaryThursday? Any new blog posts?

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