HEY U?! YEAH U! What are you doing right now?

Sending extra love and strength to you @theearlywalker :heart::hugs::heart::hugs:!

@anna834 you are always so sweet! Sending you some hugs too :hugs: :hugs:

Glad to hear about the dentist @LP13413!

Hope you all had a good day! Remember, we’re all here for you if you need us


Enjoying some down time with Thurman before I have to get ready for work.


Enjoy :blush: Andy… thanx @AJ_7, really appreciated :kissing_heart::heart: Sending big bonecrushers back :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: and god bless next week holidays … now about to :zzz: good goodnight soldiers :blush:


Haha :laughing: I really shouldn’t talk about myself anymore! I’m no longer sidetracked, on a trip down ‘Numb’ lane, love that song… :heartpulse:


:sunny:Good morning family :sunny: had a good nights rest on the couch :sweat_smile: - didn’t made it upstairs yesterday :joy:, but the sofa did a good job :sleeping: slept deep and good :blush:

The next two days will be crazy again but after that I will chill Saturday and Sunday all day, that makes me looking forward… until then I’ll take the power I need from here and it’s such a great source to have you guys here, that’s all I need :blush: thank you all for being you :yellow_heart::hugs:

Ot :coffee: & :iphone: & :sweat_drops:

@LP13413 goodnight Andy, sleep well :blush:


very nice photo, can you share it here

Making coffee in my new mug






Good Morning to everyone else by the way :joy: :joy:
Not much to report today, pretty busy with work but I wanted to check in and say hi/morning!

So Hi… Good Morning!!

1 Like

Hey you all! :smiley:
Good morning over the ocean! :sunrise:
Good evening my sweet @Honey8 :heart:

Yeah! :partying_face:

Waiting for it :laughing: and a hug :hugs::orange_heart:

This! Love your German knowledge. If we ever meet, it will a funny mixture :joy: sadly without any polish :hugs::green_heart:

That’s what I always think in winter when I see this half naked young girls. :flushed: and me already in sheep wool underwear :joy:

Please, talk about yourself! It’s not about showing off, or being to much self involved. It’s about seeing the you.
You are a strong minded and opinionated girl. For me, seeing more of you, is starting to love you, what ever differences there may be. :green_heart:

That’s what we are here for! Lots of strength and love to you. Oh, and of course, a biiiiiiiiiig hug! :hugs::blue_heart:

:flushed: totality with @AJ_7 on this one!
“Oh! My! God!”
Nooo, not jelly :sunglasses:
Hug to you two! :hugs: So into the show again right now! :blush:

@drounzer hey Jason, don’t vanish on us! :triumph: You know, I can be quite annoying and pestering when I start worrying about people. Be happy, I don’t have your number :see_no_evil::joy:
Big hug for you! :hugs::green_heart:

@lpfan61 :sunny: stop working so hard! Make time for us! :triumph: jk
:kissing_heart: :hugs::yellow_heart:

@IronSoldier16 and @jrtrussell it’s a pleasure spamming with you! :joy: :hugs::green_heart:

@Fravaco just come back again, don’t be shy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::crazy_face:

early this morning I had an appointment with the Osteopath girl that entwined my hip back in sommer.
I told her about my shoulder troubles and she started working on me.
First shoulder, ribcage and stomach. That felt tremendously good. Then she got to the muscles surrounding my heart. She asked if I have any heart rhythm disturbances. And I: no! Never.
But then told her about my recurring depressive moments and the near to physical pain attacks.
And she said, she can feel that, right around my heart, all the muscles are tight and tens.
I immediately felt tears welling up, said so. And that I am on it right now, with my house doc, therapy and that I did hold up all my live. But with the moving out of my daughter, there is no need for that and I can look at my self. That its at one side a good thing, on the other it feels like losing.
And she was so encourages. That she can feel that it in my muscle memory but also the breaking open.
There it blurted out of me:
I am so afraid!
Donno really were that came from.
And she again, what a good thing I do right now. That I should continue this unpacking of all this tightly wrapped up boxes. That this needs courage and is really hard work. And I should do slow, not work so hard, let this be, be with me.
And she said, that everyone she ever had in her practice who was willing to work on this, go through with it, came out stronger and better.
Deep breathing :blush:
After I should rest!
Luckily I had already build up all the fences for today. So I could rest right after the session. Then I just drove to the flock, let them on the new pasture and took down the old fences.
So now, in bed again with a heated bottle on my heart. This is really hurting, but I know, its just the surrounding muscles and it is a healing pain. :blush:

You all, take care!:hugs:
Love you!!!:heart:

@justinkilmer see you tipping :heart_eyes:


Aw, see this is why I like you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: You’re awesome. Yes, take the compliment.

Am I seeing things or does my profile picture show an LP black and white image now!!! :open_mouth: :astonished::dancer:


Beautiful but tough day, I’m happy to be at home right now :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And I realized that in the morning, that this masterpiece

just turned 19! :scream::crazy_face::rofl::heart_eyes::heart::metal:t2::metal:t2:

It’s still my second favorite LP album and under my top 5 of alltime favorite albums


Hey @zanybelle honey, love your new avatar! :heart:The first thing I registered this morning! :green_heart:
Sorry for being late with this, I try to not totally spam this topic and answer just once a day. With needed exceptions of course.
This seems one :grin:


@zanybelle - This. But I need to get accustomed to it as it’s still been hard to recognise you (not wearing green anymore) :slight_smile:



Because it’s the mug thread, here one of my favorite mug! :grin: I bought it the first and only time i went to Disneyland Paris.

Drinking herbal tea before going to bed.


Finally done with another week of uni. Too many groups to coordinate with at this point but hopefully all will go well. I have a pretty sick assignment for the end of November that I’m really looking forward to (we have to create our very own festival).
Plans for tomorrow (besides chores and uni work) include catching up with all the new music of the week. I have yet to listen to some records I’ve been meaning to. I also wanted to go pick up some vinyls but I’ll probably postpone till next week or something.

Hope you all had a great day celebrating Linkin Park :slight_smile:

PS. If I were to post photos of my favourite mugs, it would take forever :stuck_out_tongue:


Waiting for the new COD to download!!


LAFC VS LA Galaxy!!! Let’s gooooooo!!! :fire::fire::fire:
All lafc! Go carlos vela! RAWWWWWWRRRRRRRR :partying_face:


Morning guys :sunny::sunny::sunny: Finally Friday :tada::tada::tada: smelling the weekend is just hyping me this week :crazy_face:

Have a great Friday family- let the love flow :heart::orange_heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::blue_heart::purple_heart: hugs to you all :hugs::hugs:

Ot: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Good goodnight Andy @LP13413 sleep well :blush:


Just because I don’t drink coffee or tea, or have any use for a mug at all, doesn’t mean I can’t still contribute to the club.


On topic, I just got home from work (I had to go in two hours early), now I’m relaxing by the tube.