Help with the tickets

hola, ayer realicé la compra de los tickets para Lima, por medio de teleticket, y todo bien pero desde ayer no me llega el correo confirmación, alguien tiene el mismo problema? Trato de comunicarme con los de teleticket pero no recibo respuesta…

try again in english, soldier!

Yesterday i made the purchase of tickets for the concert in Lima, with teleticket, and everything okay, but since yesterday i dont get the confirmation email, does anyone else have the same problem?

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ty :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: so maybe due to weekends there are no mails sent?

:frowning: mmmh…i know that the system of the confirmation mails is automatic, from Monday to sunday… I already write to the teleticket contact but i dont get answer …

I think you can contact lphq as it is presale… too… and contact the phone- hotline from ya dealer… stay relaxed as Lima won t be sold out quickly… :smiley: