Guess how do I look!

WUt IZZ This?

Dunno! Maybe we can call it here: the discussion style of most men… not be unhonest, but it´s kinda

I don’t want to be one of the people on the back of the second elephant. The same thing happened to Richard Hammond in Top Gear except it was a horse and he sprained his wrist when he fell off.

OH REALLY? this is the risk about riding elefants, but there´s sure an insurence for “falling down from f********** elephants” you should go and buy a insurance contract :joy: :joy: :laughing:

OooH LaAawwwd, DeAyy B BuMpinnn An’’’ GRiNdin DigG CrazAYy AN’ Don’T CArE aBout HOO Iz watChin. BUNcH O’ vOyeurIstic eLephants. CrAzayYYYYY $Hit! -->[WuT AA DisgRaCe]<-

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ot hardly to understand really @gatsie,
but I thought I´ve read sth of voyoristic elephants??? And you laught, arent you? Pl short answer!

DaT IZ Righ’. voyeURR ElephaNTs ~~~~ hOww wE rIiDe On Dha SOuthsiIDEEE *?!

You have failed me :imp:

we have 1800, the @the_termin8r1 on The challenge thread - #63 by gatsie board? oh wrong topic, click here onto the internal link Mr. Robert we like to invite you

I’m here, post my challenge in the challenge thread.

nice to meet ya…where do we meet?

In the challenge thread

When? Where? How?

wtf Nov 15?
@amitrish @spellingmistake and we all are still alive! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Still alive…