The challenge thread

so @the_termin8tr1 do you like a new challange? Oh not? you maybe at college today, so if you read this here from that minute you read it you have to post for 5 hrs the opposite of what you would like to say…
Take it?

I’m in college for most of today, but that doesn’t mean I’m not up for a challenge :blush:

so answer, you take it than FROM THIS EVENING when you jump in for ab three hours…DEAL???

I’ll be home at about 16:45, I can start then.

ok Im here waiting you for comming along, but lets make the challange start at 1800 cause I have to bring my daughter with the car to her friend, to stay there for the night, and then I will watching you

al eyESS aWN U <-::SWAG Me OuT::->

Chu bastardS

Hey i nitiator of the thread it´s your turn @gatsie @evooba @TripleXero @amitrish are you on? Creating a challenge for alias Robert

I didn’t complete my challenge, so can’t tag anyone.

If you don’t complete a challenge you can tag somebody after 24h so that’s tomorrow evening for you @EvoOba

@Gatsie I reckon you’ve finished your challenge

@The_early_walker I’m still awaiting yours

oh I´m sry, you gonna get two at one time? I mb thought we (me&gatsie) wil set one tgether? If not, than my challeng to ya: invite all your lpu friends one by one, cause there is no tagging function to do it one for all, to vote @acemasters semi finals, you have at least to post one nice sentence, you put your plea in, or otherweise create the voting taggin poll as special New Topic at the forums, in a non lpu (a grey shadow case category). So make a desicion The_termin8tr/Rob, pl feedbach which challange you choose here vthanks and a big

OT Compliments about my growing english are allowed all times.

I’m confused, what am I choosing between?

1: CHALLANGE choice: you create a new topic that as many of us strong lpu soldiers (ot I´m a Storm-Trooper at least, FRONT ROW if it gets serious…) gonna get voting on the semi finals of acemasters to vote all the groups through cause the winners of these will get on a sc stream
2: CHALLANGE write at least a post to every lpu friend you have and invite him or her on going on voting,

But the semi finals of BOTS aren’t out yet so I can’t do either.

There’s no need to spam people by tagging them. They will see the thread when they get online.

and what do ya mean is the new voting poll of @acemasters? The next step to, yeah, the challange means work but do it for the #WEARELPU
VOTE HERE starting an initiative here at the underrund never means spammng in my opp, but it seems to be reverse for ya @EvoOba

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I’ll say it differently: No need to tag people, they will see the thread and join in IF they’re interested. There’s no point in tagging random people that don’t visit the forums.

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Is round 3 the finals?

think so, belive in, the more votings the more representative, you know, and its a real challange for growing even in the forums… ya know :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
so third alternativ: tell the opposite of what you really wanna post from up now to 1300 tomorrow…
pale shelter

Yeah, I can do that. Or rather, I can’t do that :wink: