Guess A Soldier

Easy! @alz89 XD

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She’s not MIA though :upside_down_face:

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@IronSoldier16 was MIA for quite a while tho… :thinking:

It isn’t him. And what would he want with Mike? @framos1792 is a more likely candidate to kidnap him.

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He missed me here, that is.

I agree

Why would I? :thinking:

he be big chilling in that kidnapping mike thread talking about all the ways he would kidnap him

seems like a motive to me :man_shrugging:

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@gatsie, she’s the resident Mike stalker.


You got it.

  • Hasn’t been here in a few months.
  • European
  • Programmer

Thanx guys :sunny: :hugs:@IronSoldier16 and @chigokurosaki :sunny: :hugs::yellow_heart:

And for the next I think I remember one of the ladies here is a programmer- :thinking: is it @mish3lka ?



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Wow cool :stuck_out_tongue: ok- here is my soldier:

  • twin
  • european
  • female


Nope :-1:t2:

I’ve investigated into the subject of female European twins and I’ve even found a pair of them here

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Good work :clap:t2: :hugs: - but nope-
… hint: her name is starting with lp_______ too :blush:


I know she has a sister (no idea if a twin sister but maybe?) and a baby niece.


Nope… not the sweetest queen of sunshiny hugs :sunny::sunny::hugs::hugs: @lpfan61


Other clue?