Go home, you're drunk!

its sofarf head i vab notvdrr sgih

type: hardly five posts the whole day? @intheend: everybody seems to ran away…

haedly five posfs tje who;e dau?

Type: Parce que la connexion fragile de vraiment (Connexion sur la forum très problematique)

All I can say is

I meant the site updates caused us to not be able to access. :frowning:

just one more reason for the whatsapp, nice to hear you finally :hugging:

You type on the post I created. Just because I do not respond doesn’t mean I’m not here.


Type: stick to English, you butfaces

syick to English tiu buttfaces

Type whatever song lyric you are listening to:

did you type this with your eyes closed too?

No, I type fast.


Type: Wow, this website is sure glitching up huh?

Wpw, rhos wensite is sure glitchimf up hih?

Type: I’m sure it’s of Trollnoda Mike’s doing :stuck_out_tongue:

I ;m sutra bid id od a tirondolla mike id gonung

Type: It’s time to give this topic a new breathe, because it’s been dead for a few weeks

omg so hard stuff
it s time zo gibe thisb topic a new breath ,bevause itsvbeen desf forvs fewvwedks

Type : how nice you revieved (this right word?) this

how nice uy reused this

Why? As we light up the sky

1 Like

wha? As we light up the sky

type: what…the f*** we think while life s going on?


What’ve up g er yhink like but he b
Type :
Who can rock a rhyme like this?
Bring it to you every time like this?
Who can rock a rhyme like this?
Step step up, step, step up
Mixing threads :smile:

Nick…I will punch you in the throat

1 Like

Nivk… I wi ren cgxf h’xcws4 therwioart

Type: WTF is wrong with my fingers?!!?!?!?1