Go home, you're drunk!

My jet iras said wager realize v a and be burst sued
Type: you can use the usb cable to tame your mouse

you can ise your usb canke to rame your mpusr

type: what if the mouse was eaten by a pussy before?

What do f the mouse was ratteb my the oussy. Efire
Type : The mouse is a lie

The mouse is a lie

Type: This lie is a lie

Thid loe is a lie

type: in every lie is a lie :upside_down:

In every lie s a loe
Type : Lie,lie, lie


Type: How to find the truth beneath all the lies?

Hoe yo gnus yet ytuyh benesstth ll the luies
Type :The truth is a lie

Thr trutg id a lie

Type: That’s how the world works :frowning:

1 Like

That´s how the world works

type: but this place is diffrent…can be…!

vir thod plave us differemt cam ne

Type: What’s the diff?

What!s the diff ?

Type: everything !


Type: Absolument pas !

Absolvent Opas !

Type: what has To change ?

Mind it, it wasn’t English. What were you thinking it was?

French but my autocorr did this…:smiley: got it as “no” :disappointed:

Wjat had to cvjamge

Type: Extradite me from this mess.

Extradit me from this medd

Type: if you want me To…

If you want me to

Type: Heal my arm

Heal NY srnn!

Type : alright but heal Mine First!