Go home, you're drunk!

Stay in svhiil, din’t do drunjs

Type: 100% reason to remember the name

100T rea9h t9 rekekger tye hake

Type: What a flop

What a flop

Type: I didn’t flop this time.

I diod´z glop this tome

type: why is english so much fun?

why is enflisn so mucj fim?

Type: Why are typos so annoying?

Wjy are txpis si annosung?
type: are they? thought it is the gag of the game here!

are they? thought it id the gag od the game here!

Type: It is not fun to be in a game when you are the victim

It is moz dun tp be in a gane when you ate the victom…

type: in a game it is poss to win or loose!

in a game ir os podd to win or lode!

Type: Misunderstandings are abound…

Misinterdtandimgs are aboing

type are we human?

Are we himan?

Type: Maybe we are maybe we’re not.

Mayne we are, mabe ot [lol :stuck_out_tongue:]
type: maybe we´re odd, maybe we´re not! :open_mouth:

maybe we’re odd, maybe we’re mpt! :smiley:

type: Whatever floats the boat, the flow of the river goes woosh woosh woosh! Bottoms up!

Ehatever gliabd the iay, thd dlow if hbs eicer hies ehiish whiisb whoosh! Bottims up

Type: Are gentlemans gentle and ladys ate lade?

Are gentelemsn gentle and are ladys lade?

Type: Do aliens exist in the universe?

Do aliens excuse in the ubicerse

Type: yes.


type: they arrived on earth, long time ago…!

Thet arrived on Eath a long imre afo …Q

Type: I’ve lost my edge

I’ve lost my edge

type: I’m all round and soft and squishy, so cuddly and cute, filled with strawberry filling.

lol hi @gatsie, so
I´m allroumf s f difz sm dquishy, so cuffly and cote filed with sszrdyhgjfc

Type: I gonna eat you up, you are a strawberry- cheesecake