Get Inspired! The LPU friends and support

I need my family support. I don’t know why i feel like everyone is against me they what me to go down. And i feel like my own family won’t help me. I asked my dad for help he won’t. . So i feel lost. And there nothing else I can do to save me from my own depression and demons are now getting to me

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@hilaryfol it’s really lonely when you feel like nobody is on your side and they can’t understand what you’re going through. The truth is, perhaps they don’t know how to help? It isn’t something that comes naturally despite our wish to help comfort those we love. And believe me they do LOVE you. If being around certain people is bringing you down take some time to yourself. Focus on the present, not the past/future. Right now you are asking for help. That means you want to fix things, be it ourselves or our situations. You can absolutely improve the present, simply by remembering you are never alone and you matter greatly :heart:


7 posts were split to a new topic: Get Inspired! The LPU friends and support - split

For now, the posts have just been moved. They are not deleted and this could very well just be temporary, but to be honest I don’t really see much point in keeping them here.

I’m not personally going to ban or silence anymore for this, but that’s just me, and that’s just for this last time, if it happens again, some repercussions need to stop it from happening again.

Just be kind and understanding to each other. This isn’t a personal attack at anyone, there isn’t deeper meaning, and I’m not picking favorites. Just respect one another and you should deserve respect in return, and if someone cannot do that in a civilized way, they probably don’t need to be here.

When life leaves you blind- love keeps you kind - don’t victimize yourself …

Those sidekicks won’t make anything change- it’s not to find in the words someone speaks- but in his actions!

There are people who like you inhere and there are people who doesn’t- as it is for everybody else too. Maybe you can just decide to interact with them you feel connected with - and agree with all the other to differ.

Everybody- you too, has the right to have their opinion- so that means you don’t have to share the opinion of anybody else- as they don’t have to share yours. Acceptance and tolerance are the keywords- agreeing to differ at some points and to not feel like a nobody if you don’t win a fight of words.

The truth is that everybody in the need to start or jump into an argument or a fight is already a loser- because he lost the ability to leave the other party the right of the freedom of speech.

This is not an invitation to start a discussion with me now. This is just how I see things- and it’s my right to do so and post it here. Nobody needs to agree - nobody needs to share this and you all are begged to just accept my need to rant here rn.

For me those kind of actions that happened two nights back here are a misuse of this platform- and at this point we all should consider if we want this-,I’m absolutely clear: I don’t want this kind of stuff happen here!


Wow, those are some harsh words. Hopefully that’s the end of the matter now. Shame it’s had to end up on this thread which is primarily for support and advice. Whatever that person says I wouldn’t let them anger you or push your buttons, it doesn’t seem worth the upset. Really, let’s enjoy the forum in the way LP intended :raised_hand:



This isn’t a personal attack at anyone, there isn’t deeper meaning, and I’m not picking favorites.

No it’s not!
But if you do appreciate balance, then please disable my account as requested so i won’t be tempted to respond to those who don’t act the same way.
I will always respond to hate so please disable it and consider it a request of mine and not something that determines your view on the subject.
I find the actions by the mods so far just and not picking any side!
(previous fight that took down a thread included)

I expect to find my account disabled permanently and the sooner it happens the quicker peace in here will be achieved because i won’t be the one to let go unless sincere apologies and regrets start flying in.
That’s not about to happen apparently so please disable!

been a blast LPU! :clinking_glasses:




“I’m gonna keep these in, until all this nonsense stops and we can start loving each other, we can stop hurting each other, because we believe in something different than the person standing next to us. The one thing that can’t be defeated is love, right? You can conquer hate by ignoring it, you can destroy it by loving the person next to you. So I want everybody here tonight to look at the person standing next to you and just tell 'em that you love 'em and you are happy that they’re here with you tonight, having a good time. Listening to music. Celebrating life. We don’t care what you look like, we don’t care where you come from, we don’t care what you believe in. We love every single one of you out there, and nothing will ever change that.”

Chester Bennington, 2017.


I am very very sad today. I’ve been crying for a long time.
I was seeing one guy. Well, seeing is a stretch. It was just an affair. But it was just we meet and that’s it. Today we made plans and it was going ok and one person told him that I like someone more than him. And he went crazy. He said that what he is to me just some idiot or whatever. I didn’t say anything like that. Plus he has a girlfriend anyway and I’m not making a scene about that. But he started to ignore me. And when I asked what time we are meeting up he just said I don’t know. So I went near his boat and well he ignored me. So I went home crying. And I’ve been crying for hours now.
And it was just casual, and I’ve been warned about him but still it hurts. I am so sad right now.

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Sorry to hear this, sending you strength!


I’m sorry. That stinks

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That’s sad to hear dear… Sending love and strength! :heart::muscle: Stay strong!

Absolutely awesome words Dan :heart:


I just got a call from my job and they fired me

I’m sorry for that @StephLP18. It’s weird to fire someone by a call… Sending you strength for finding a better job with people who deserve your time and energy :muscle::muscle::muscle:


It is their loss! You will go onto something better, so don’t let it dishearten you. Everything is a learning experience, take everything you know and apply it elsewhere to prove yourself. You can do anything :heart:

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@anna834 you’re ok dear? :upside_down_face: Was wondering already yesterday why you’re this calm on plug… :thinking: and your absence here today makes me worry a bit- sending you a bonecrusher :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:, hope to hear from you :blush::yellow_heart:

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Thank you my dear @theearlywalker :heart:
Sorry for yesterday, had spontaneously multitask some other stuff.
And yeah, my shoulder, back, nack, pain hit hard.
Never had it that way. I finally gave in and took some pain killers at five in the morning.
Im highly sensitiv to all those things and not used to it too. Last pain killers I took, I think is 10 to 20 years ago.
They knocked me out for good. Not so much sleep whise.
But everything else.
Thank you!
Take care!

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Oh noo :open_mouth:… Hope you’re doing better soon! Sending you strength- :muscle:t2:, take care!! :hugs::yellow_heart:

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Sending you lots of strength and hugs, please take care @anna834