Hallo aus Lübeck
from me too
Hello from Nordhessen/North- Hessen
wen sieht man denn am 29 august in köln?
Me! I hope i got lucky to win the M&G
Hey there- welcome to the lpu @anaphx2 this forums is english only- watch out here- there you’ll find all further activity …
Maybe at the end of the year? I was on a memorial in Kassel and one week after the release, i was at the chester bennington memorial pavillon. I met many new people, LPU-Members and made new friendships, but enough is not enough
Back in 2010 German was allowed haha sorry for that
Welche aus Rlp da?
Someone from Rlp?
Welcome to the lpu @butintheend, I’m from Germany but I dunnow the abbreviation Rip- I’m from nearby Munich. Have fun in the family and requested language here is english
Lol - well this was my daily lesson, thanx- and Rip sounds cool-
North Hessen
Sagt mal, hat noch jemand heute versucht, PreSale Karten für München zu bekommen? Ich klicke auf den Link, komme aber immer nur auf die Live Nation Site zum normalen Vorverkauf ab 30.11.2018??? Was muß ich tun?
Wenn du auf „My Account“ gehst sind unter dem Presale-Code ja die Shows aufgelistet. Darüber musst du gehen.
Vielen Dank!
Weiter als bis zum Code hatte ich wohl nicht geschaut…
Cool I’m near Hannover too
Good morning guys are we lucky??? ARE WE
yes- we are very lucky
- it’s unexpected but only great that he comes now already again
- I got tickets for Munich and only thing I hope that would be a bit less stressful is this lining up- and that it please gets back to a normal time
- the rest is only wonderful
And it’s a powerkick I didn’t expected and enjoy even more- next stage of griefing? I’m ready
I wish you all a great experience at your shows guys and let’s celebrate life
Hey! Not sure if I am supposed to write such stuff into this thread, if not you can tell me and in this case I’m already sorry…
Just wanted to introduce myself as I am new to the LPU forums, I am from Hamburg, 16 years old and now decided to search some closer contact to fellow LP-fans after having moved, no matter whether online or in real life. @ Everyone who’s interested in writing or who knows a local group: you’re urgently invited to write
Of course you can write this stuff here- welcome to the forums- enjoy your time here- you’ll meet a lot of peeps from all over the world- explore the games section- it’s fun…@chocolatecroissant