German LPUers


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Cologne is always worth for a visit :relaxed:

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Stuttgart the Schwobaländle WOOP WOOP! :heart:

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Hallo Leute! Wie schauts aus? Irgendjemand Bock auf ein deutsches Treffen im Sommer 2018? Wir sind jede Menge hier im LPU und es wäre einfach nur cool ein paar von Euch kennenzulernen, Linkin Park zu hören, uns unsere Geschichten von Konzerten, Meet&Greets zu erzählen und ein paar Stunden miteinander zu verbringen. Also ich hätte absolut Bock drauf und bin gespannt auf Eure Reaktion!! #wearelpu #lpfamily #MakeChesterProud :sunny:

English summary: I ask all german lpuer if they are interested in a meeting/memorial in summer 2018 in Germany…



Wäre definitiv dabei…vielleicht könnte man das an Chesters Geburtstag am 20.03.2018 oder an seinem 1 Jährigen Todestag am 20.07 (als Memorial) machen?

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Ich wäre auch liebend gern dabei! Ich finde die Daten auch gut und passend - wobei ich leider an Chester’s 1.Todestag in Portugal sein werde, da ich nicht anderes Urlaub bekommen habe :sob::expressionless:
Aber ansonsten könnt ihr auf mich zählen( wenn’s lang genug vorher geplant ist natürlich haha :+1: :metal: )

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Können ja eine whatsapp grupoe machen

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Hört sich nach einer tollen Idee an und wenn ich es zeitlich schaffe, würden mir auch beide Termine zusagen. Allerdings wäre die Frage zu klären, WO genau man sich trifft.

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Vielleicht in einer Region, in der die meisten von uns wohnen? :thinking:

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Cool :sunglasses: and I guess a WA group is a great idea @zinler- maybe you can set your email here for sharing the phone-numbers?! Either yours or mine as we are connected anyways :grinning:

Which date do I prefer?

  • 20.03.2018
  • 20.07.2018

0 voters

Also we are germans talking about a german meet the forums terms of conduct are requiring English language only… so we maybe we go on in english language…

Translation: so far a couple of german soldiers agreed to have a national meet this year. We are looking for a date rn. Maybe we buildt a WA group… hope the german communication does not bother you guys… if so, let us know… :sweat_smile:


Unfortunately the date 20.03.18 is a Tuesday! Could this be a problem for someone of you guys?

I have vacation from 19th till 25th March, so I have plenty of time :relaxed:

Where all the other German LPUers?


Its possible for me

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From my side it will depend of how far it is away because it’s a tuesday… So far only we three @OneMoreLight2017 @zinler have voted… so we can consider to do it the following friday or saturday to get more soldiers in- and once we decided the date and location we can go on social media and spread the world… what do you guys think?


Here is my email

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Well, I’d be in I guess. But I’m a student so I can’t just travel around Germany like that sadly
I think many people would be in… Maybe try to get something working through our LP ambassadors? They probably (or rather hopefully) know how to organize that stuff. Maybe. :smiley:

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Yeah, that’s actually a good idea man, @himmelsknabe - I still haven’t saved this ambassadors thing- it kinda happened „out of public“ lol - but you are absolutely right! Do you feel like connecting? I saw him on twitter once but cannot recall his name :sweat_smile:

Well, our ambassadors are LPFanCorner and BlackChester - you can easily reach out to either of those two on Twitter. You can reach out to them if you wanna. In my experience, BlackChester is easier to “connect with”. :smile:
With that memorial wall in Essen being planned again maybe they’re even planning something themselves that we don’t know about! :smiley:
I’d totally be up to a memorial/meet-up in a bigger city, but it’d should get announced as early as possible so people like me can plan :laughing:

Hallo aus Lübeck

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from me too :smiley:

Hello from Nordhessen/North- Hessen :slight_smile: