Gaming time - the riddle -

Someone else go again please.

Okay I go
I’m lighter than a feather and the strongest man can’t hold me for more than 5 minutes. What am I??

This one is very easy :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Air right?

A spider

@zinler probably holds his tarantulas for more than five minutes without a problem muahaha see the flaw in your answerrrr
I admit though I’d have trouble holding it for even a minute hehe

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well spider no @intheend why should i write things about spiders when i’m so afraid of that

but @framos1792 so close but still no

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Oh geez…I was sure :confused:
Ummmm fire?

No you went too far
But that could be an option



Pure energy?



Exactly :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

Yay! But… Not to be like… Lame or anything…
But we breathe air, right? So then… Wasn’t @framos1792 right also?


The fishie was the difference maker hehe but I can see them being different too lol

Ok then…

Time for a new riddle then. Here goes:

Two sailors were standing on opposite sides of a ship. One was looking west and the other one east. And at the same time, they could see each other clearly. How can that be possible?

The one looking west was on the east side, one looking east was on the west side
They’re looking to middle of boat?

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Nope, one was looking west and the other east, but can still see each other. How come?

