Gaming time - the riddle -


It walks on all fours in the morning, on two at noon and on three in the evening. What is it?

human life… :slight_smile:

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That is correct! Your turn @theearlywalker :upside_down:

A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven’t eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?

The third , because lions are dead?

yes…you are right :wink: you go

The man comes to his working place late in the evening and sleeps there. At the morning, he wakes up and walks away. One morning he woke up, looked in the window and committed suicide. What was his job and why did he commit suicide ?

Ummm…his job was being a night guard at some office and he got so bored he killed himself for some mild entertainment?

Nope , there was a strong reason for that man to kill himself. He was too responsible

maybe its the early walker lol

hey sunshine me still female :wink: @yolo5494
So he was the window cleaner and saw in the sunrise how dirghty the were and that he would have lost his job. As he has a family like six underaged kids, two grannies and a wife… he knew, he had to jump off the window


He was a cyber security guy responsible for a government organisation but he made a mistake and they got hacked and he knew he was screwed so he ended it?


Loool very nice :XP:

Lool, nopie

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Nope , lol

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could you please give a clue

The man was really responsible one. He commuted suicide because people died because of him

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He was a surgeon working the night shift?

Nope :wink:

He was a fireman?