Gaming time - the riddle -

right upper corner, ´users´
get it? have to set a yoga set, I think…cya later @samuel_the_leader

No I don’t get it. :frowning:

the three white stripes beneath ya profil pic, click…doubble mb, then open users you got the table…cya buddie :blue_heart:

Oh mein gott, wirklich @The_early_walker!

What in the world is a circle yerk?

Fairy tales actor like trolls

In which language? Only result google recognizes is “circle jerk”, which has a completely different meaning.

In fairy Tales Language so I right now reset the word into troll :stuck_out_tongue:

Hang on, what’s happening here? I’m completely lost.

myriddle meant to be “Rumpelstilzchen”
Once upon a time…, I think, mb you like to go on setting one, Rob? @the_termin8r1 ?

Germans keep confusing their 'j’s and 'y’s, cuz they pronounce ‘j’ as how English pronounce ‘y’ (when it’s supposed to be [dsch])



I know, I’ve been trying to understand what in hell circle jerk has to do with anything.

Also, @The_early_walker, riddles are supposed to be something everyone can guess. You can’t expect us to know about this.

She’s breaking her own rules again.

for me this isas international as snowwithe and the hundsman, so go on whoever…lol :yum:

No, not everything the Grimm Brothers wrote is famous worldwide.

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Sry my fault ( puh Feels like getting really regulated :stuck_out_tongue:)

Since you guys like it so much, here is another riddle… :stuck_out_tongue:

What runs but never walks?

An engine or water?

Not quite :slight_smile:

That’s a very ambiguous answer. Am I close?