Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

I messed up
I put one truth and 2 lies lmao

lol, just edit the post.

I will try again

I once used Meteoraremix as a user name
Pokemon is my fav anime
I once drunk a whole bottle of Tequila

Pokemon? not fitting with ya apperance and lyrics, that is the lie [even because itsthe only one you set in both posts…lol :joy:]

You are correct
I did once drink a whole bottle of Tequila that I had my stomach pumped
And my PS3 username is Meteoraremix
And my fav anime is actual DBZ

OT: @acemasters I didn’t know you had a PS3. What games do you play?

That bad? :no_mouth:

It varies
Gonna list my multiplayer games lol
I got GTA5, DBZ: Xenoverse, Fifa 12 (lost interest in Fifa), Goldeneye: Reloaded, Resistance 1 & 2 (although the server is now closed down), tekken online
Battlefield 4, Monopoly Streets, Bionic Commando

Yh me and my cousin and our mate went on a bender went back to my mates house and we cracked open everything
Then all that was left was the Tequila and well i drunk the whole bottle
Hrs later i was pucking left right and centre they took my hospital and had my stomach pumpes

Urgh. <|{]}~}>

Nothing that I play lol. That being said, I’ve gotten rid of almost all of my games. I had a brief stint of trophy hunting at one point.

Why what you got?

Okies I nominate @Simy
let’s guess your lie

winning road, this one I won yesterday I think, ok here are my statements

I hate to wait

I hate to share a bathroom with a foreigner

I love surprises

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You actually don’t like (my) surprises?

I used to have a bunch of stuff (the stuff that is on my profile and stuff that isn’t).

But I got bored of everything so I only have My Ratchet and Clank games and the craptastic pile of garbage that is Crysis 3. I sold it and then bought it again because we got a new tv a couple of months ago.


right my dear @samuel_the_leader, it is you again,

and sure Rob, you´re right too, was much too easy for ya experts…

We’re not experts lol (or at least I’m not). You’ve alluded to the other things before.

I feel like annoying @The_early_walker and being a spamming troll

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