Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)


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@intheend STOPP TALKING SHIT AND JOIN; WELCOME AT OUR FORUMS; SO; the rules are clear, I think, lol …:relaxed:
edit our means you too…lol not to missunderstans sth…

[spoiler]Don’t act different now love :wink: I read your other post :3 biplex [/spoiler]

ok, so I tag @acemasters, that the game can go on…lol


I am Half Turkish
I have 3 kids
I am 31 years Old

Good luck

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the third…lol I guess you told once ab you age but it was no 1 at the end, I think to rem, lol,

ot Buddie @acemasters :sunglasses:

I am 31 years old

Anyone else wanna guess

You are half-Turkey? Lol

You don’t have three kids?

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I def know it’s the first. He mentioned his age somewhere and I think he mentioned his children too.

I am half turkish

I have 2 kids not 3 (double standard lie) haha

It’s @intheend 's turn.

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Yay, won :3

  1. I’m 5’11
  2. My full name has 26 letters
  3. My nails are painted black right now.

Number 2

The first?

If no one gets it do I go again?

It was 3, I really do have 26 letters in my name and I am really tall.

  1. I have long brunette hair
  2. I am a lefty
  3. When I was younger I saw something paranormal

If nobody guesses your lie within 2 replies (i.e. people guess your truths) then you have to tag somebody else.

you´re no leftie…lol

Oops, well I already started a new game @the_termin8r1

And no @The_early_walker I am

You’re not a brunette?