Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

Seems like I’m forgetting the rules of my own game :stuck_out_tongue:

@Gatsie it is then!

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@gatsie, the third is the lie


Hi guys, I was very busy this weekend and yesterday so I could not be here until now.
But I am here now!!! MUHAHAHAHAHA

  1. I really hate talent shows
  2. I have too many shoes
  3. I don’t like books
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I think the lie here is pretty obvious…

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It is not 2 though :stuck_out_tongue:

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then it’s one. do you like talent shoes?

So @Gatsie which one is it?

I think it’s the book one.

Yup, it’s #3. Your turn @the_termin8r

As a kid I vomited in a Carphone warehouse (a mobile phone store). Luckily for the cleaner all I’d eaten/drank that day was water so that’s what came out.

Today my dad was taking me to college and instead of sitting in the driver’s seat he accidentally sat in the rear right passenger seat for some reason.

I failed high school maths

The second one?

Nope, that was true. I was like “da hell you doin’ man?” Obviously I didn’t say it like that but that’s what I was thinking.

Then, you didn’t fail math.

the vomitation one, if you vomit, there isn´t only comming water out of you [as I think, you were this hungry for sure at this time also as today…lol my friend…:racehorse:]

Yep. I got a C which isn’t brilliant but isn’t a fail either.

That was true. I was ill and had no appetite so I had only drank water that day.

That means it’s @EvoOba’s turn :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeap… will post when I think of something.


  1. Our cooker broke down so we have to eat out/order food for a week.
  2. We have a family thing on Sunday.
  3. I can’t wait for Sunday, basically cause there’s gonna be food.

The first one

No, that is true, sadly.