Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

CONGARTS @tripleXero, lucky one…lol :stuck_out_tongue:

The second one?

is it… 3?

Yes, it was the second one. I just woke up now

lol you got a lil nap meanwhile…lol @tripleXero:smiley:

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-I’m talking with my friend right now.

  • I went shopping today and didn’t buy anything.
  • I had a toast for dinner.

third one´s odd…you ever enjoy a good dinner [but maybe…lol :grin:] I´ll guess the last one…is odd…:stuck_out_tongue:

No, that is true.

Is it… 2?

Yeah, I actually bought a case.

Ok nice. So… Then it’s my turn? So… Ok…

  1. My right hand has a different shade of nailpolish than my left hand
  2. I am in need of a new case for my rundown phone
  3. I have dyed my hair blonde again.

Number 1?

The last?

THIRD you don´t dyed the hair, did YA :scream:

Correct, I did not dye my hair.

so machine man @the_termin8r1 is on…


Some time last year I saw a small hole (~5cm in diameter) in the ground in my garden. I didn’t know what it was so I jammed a tennis racket handle down it only to find out that it was a wasp hive. I ended up being chased by a swarm of wasps.

One got me through my shirt

The sting was bad and was there for at least a month

what is a sting?

When a wasp stings you. I.e. Injects it’s irritant/venom into you with the stinger on its tail.

the wasp hive wasn´t on the bottom…lol :scream: