Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

So, it was the first one.

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No, @Gatsie was saying that the first two are actually both correct.

Now @Gatsie needs to tag somebody.

Well then. I’ll tag @intheend

  1. I have three journals
  2. I hate one
  3. One has a butterfly sticker on it

is it 3?

Is it the second one?

No @samuel_the_leader and no @Gatsie, I only have two.

So I’ll tag @TripleXero

I’m still so freaking confused. How is the first one correct if you don’t have a dog @Gatsie? (excuse my stupidity people, I don’t get stuff at times).

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The neighbors asked me to keep my dog quiet. this actually happened. still though, I have no dog.
You can imagine the confusion I had when having to tell them there is no dog in my house. :smiley:


Oh I see what this is. You don’t have a dog, your neighbours thought you had a dog and complained to you even though it was somebody else’s dog making the noise; thus making the statement true. Did I get that right?


uh yeah… Something like that :stuck_out_tongue:

I was a little under the weather last week and coughing a lot and apparently my cough is the same sound a dog makes to some people…

So they heard you coughing and thought you were a dog? :joy:

LOL yeah

Actually I have four…

The purple barcode one (my first) is full (2012-2015). The brown and black one (I got from my nephew, last)is a notebook/journey. The black one (I bought to replace the purple) I hate, the pages are ugly and it sucks. And the silver one (I got to replace the black one) is my favorite and I just got these really cool stickers.

Awww, they look like nice journals. I used to write in paper journals too :slight_smile:

So, is it my turn?

Go butt face

  1. I recently bought a Wii
  2. I just woke up
  3. I’m thirsty

the honor of first answer to Jordan is MINE :upside_down: lol @TripleXero
the first?

No, I did buy a Wii. I now have one of every Nintendo home consoles (NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U)