Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

Alrighty let’s see

  1. One time when I worked at Subway, a customer asked me to not put too many olives on his sandwich because they would make him horny
  2. I once found a 200 bill on the street
  3. When I first heard a Linkin Park song I actually hated it

I’m feeling 2

Makes sense! But this one is actually true. I use this one often in this type of game, and it’s quite deceptive: it was a 200 bill, but 200 Francs (French currency until they started with the Euro), which was worth around 30 euro. I was 6 or 7 when this happened.

It’s a mean one, I know :joy:

Poor dude was confused and didn’t know it was the pickles that were tickling his pickle, not the olives :man_facepalming:t2::rofl:

Jk jk Ima say it’s c :thinking: final answer :face_with_monocle:

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Right on! Never listened to music until I heard In The End, that was the first song I actively liked and made me eventually look into the band.

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Don’t really know anything about the currency there lol. The first just seemed too strange to make up and the third seemed like something true you’d toss in there to throw us off.

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I once found 20 quid on the floor in a supermarket as a kid. I bought a Ben 10 PSP game that day. :joy:

Very similar trend for me too :grin:

1- I worked at the state fair for a bit
2- I’ve held the same job for 15 years now
3- I worked as a mentor for a bit

I’m feeling 2

Dang…yeah hasn’t been quite that long… 10

Thought the mentor thing would throw at least one person off lol


Yea at first I wanted to go for that because it was so vague, but then I was like naah I feel like quite some people just fudge with numbers like the 10-15 year thing, so then I swapped xD

Thinking of a new set of things

  1. I am bisexual
  2. I have lived in three different countries
  3. When I got let go from my last job, my biggest frustration was that I had only just bought several packs of cup-a-soup to enjoy in the office


Nope that one was entirely true :joy: I was planning to quit a little while later anyways, and getting let go meant that I got the bonus for technically completing the contract of the project. So a few weeks later I moved back to my home country which I wanted to do a month or 2 later either way.


Yep! That’s the one. I had a bi phase at the end of secondary education, but before that and after that I’ve been hetero. Your turn @the_termin8r ~

edit: also the three different countries are Netherlands (main), England (3 months during uni), and Ireland (last year)

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No coffee addicton with you



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