Game: Lie to Me (AKA The VICTIMIZING Game)

oh lol. i love juices, can you go ahead ?

  • I once flipped a shopping trolley on myself like a cage by accident.
  • I once got stuck in the turnstyles at Lidl by accident.
  • I once knocked down a shelf of biscuits in a shop by accident.

Everything of this could have happend to you.
I go with the biscuits shelf.

Correct. I don’t think I’ve ever broken anything in a shop…at least not that I remember. :joy:

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:joy: it must be awhile ago. How did you manage this? :laughing:

I once stepped on a sneak by accident.

I once stepped on a duck by accident.

I once stepped on a deer by accident.

I must’ve been 7 or 8, I was swinging on the handlebar of our empty trolley (we had just walked into the shop) and because there was nothing to weigh it down in the front, it just flipped over me. :joy:


You better not have stepped on a duck :rage:

I hope you did :joy:. Fun fact: Ducks are serial rapists.

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They are holy beings whose presence us mere mortals are undeserving of.

I stan ducks

Quack quack


It was a duck like this one. On moorland in high grass. She wiggled and slided away. I was panicky that it would be a snake. Real relieved as it started quaking outrageously. :laughing:

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I can’t say I’m not disappointed

@jrtrussell, your turn.

Technically I said I wanted it to be true. Didn’t actually guess that stepping on a duck was the lie.

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Jep, still not solved

The second one?

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Yes. I stepped on a dug. She was under high grass. As she slithered away, I first thought a snake and was really scared. But then she quacked outrageously :joy:

Lmao. She gave us the answer and it still took 4 months to get it :joy:

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Oops :joy: :rofl:
I had :laughing: