Here we go, Guys!
Let us try to make it not really serious one.
I’m gonna start:
Flannel Skin
Verse 1:
Black and red squares on the lines crossing,
Line 2: @NickGr
Line 3: @acemasters
Line 4: @rickvanmeijel
Line 5: @yomarques
Line 6: @gatsie
Line 1: @theearlywalker
Line 2: @AJ_7
Line 1: @jabinquaken
Line 2: @NickGr
Line 3: @acemasters
Line 4: @the_termin8r
Verse 2:
Line 1: @theearlywalker
Line 2: @gatsie
Line 3: @yomarques
Line 4: @AJ_7
Line 5: @acemasters
Line 6: @rickvanmeijel
Pre-chorus (will see, according to the second verse)
Line 1: Vacant
Line 2: Vacant
Chorus 2:
Line 1: @gatsie
Line 2: @NickGr
Line 3: @the_termin8r
Line 4: @gatsie
Line 1: @theearlywalker
Line 2: @NickGr
Line 3: @acemasters
Line 4: @jabinquaken
Chorus 3 (not sure what it should be)
Line 1: @AJ_7
Line 2: @yomarques
Line 3: @theearlywalker
Line 4: @rickvanmeijel
If I didn’t add someone, tell me, so I will edit accordingly.