Fan Sites

Do you guys visit fan sites more often than you visit Do you have a fan site of your own? Let us know!

The ones I most frequently visit are LPAssociation, LPTimes and LPLive.

i literly never check out lol

when i want quick news - LPA
rare download stuff - LPL

I frequent LPL more than I frequent lol

Well there are a lot of Fansites besides LPA, LPT and LPL,
for example some spanish fansites (some of them with options to turn the language to english - spanish) like Linkin Park Argentina, Linkin Park Brazil, Linkin Park Colombia, Linkin Park Peru, all of them supported by Warner Music Group.

I personally check out Linkin Park Argentina, LPTimes or


I quite never visit [rolleyes]
LPA and LPTimes are really awesome and accurate reference websites.
I personally make translations from English into French for the MikeShinodaClan, another fantastic and utterly updated fan site dedicated to all LP related info.

I’m in the “have a fan site of your own” category.

Thanks for the shoutouts LinkinParkForever275 and Woco21!

I don’t know is my blog “fan site” but Linkin Park is a huge part of it :slight_smile:

it’s mine:

Why is this in the art gallery? XD

ChesterBNetwork :D.

Those three are my most visited fan sites as well Andy. Certainly the most relavant and important LP related sites other then

[quote=Gonzalo Martin]Well there are a lot of Fansites besides LPA, LPT and LPL,
for example some spanish fansites (some of them with options to turn the language to english - spanish) like Linkin Park Argentina, Linkin Park Brazil, Linkin Park Colombia, Linkin Park Peru, all of them supported by Warner Music Group.

I personally check out Linkin Park Argentina, LPTimes or
