Hey everyone!
As you all know, I’m an absolute beginner with song writing and am very bad with song structures. So hopefully this makes sense. I very loosely based the structure on John Legend’s All Of Me, even though this song is not meant to be ‘romantic’. Also, I apologize in advance if I missed out someone, I went according to the tag list. @Honey8 I didn’t include you because you had mentioned you are busy with exams- Good Luck with them! Welcome to all the new members. New members, don’t forget to add the @ before the name of the next line when you write yours!
Genre: Ballad
Line 1: @rickvanmeijel
Line 2: alz89
Line 3: jabinquaken
Line 4: Marilau
Line 5: theearlywalker
Line 6: framos1792
Line 1: Ironsoldier16
Line 2: yomarques
Line 3: jabinquaken
Line 1: NickGr
Line 2: framos1792
Line 3: Marilau
Line 4: theearlywalker
Verse 2
Line 1: acemasters
Line 2: yomarques
Line 3: rickvanmeijel
Line 4: NickGr
Line 5: Ironsoldier16
Line 6: AJ_7
Line 1: jabinquaken
Line 2: alz89
Line 3: acemasters
End Chorus (Depends on the main chorus, might need to change)
Line 1 of chorus
Line 2 of chorus