Cowgill Frat Boi

I want to make something like that for my uni projects, but they’ve been so utterly basic and terrible that there’s literally nothing to say about them. Last year we had a lecturer tell us that they’re only giving us practical work because all the students were moaning about not having lab work.


Lmao. I had started writing this after switching playlists. :joy: The “elevator music” was for a writing assignment for class.

I’ll try and add the final project from first year soon to wrap up that year and move on to the next. The last project was actually pretty dope so it won’t be as bleah as this one :ok_hand:


That sucks. I feel like they could come up with some pretty cool competitions for engineering students.

Are there any sponsored by groups outside the university?


:joy: Good joke. No, nothing like that, at least that I know of. That’s why the Robotics society exists (we do a hell of a lot more than robotics), we were so annoyed that nothing practical was being done that we started doing it ourselves.

We’ve become so big that we’re beating societies that have existed long before us, people are trying to copy us on campus and we’re even on the verge of absorbing the electric car team from the uni’s Formula Student team (FS is like mini F1 for unis). We’ve had lecturers, technicians and departments come up to us to ask us to do stuff for open days and the likes because the departments have jackshit to show for what they do, because they do exactly jackshit.



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@jrtrussell I was in London the other day when we drove past a building that caught my attention. Struck me as odd that they should cover the outside with RSJs, didn’t know if it was structural or aesthetic. Decided to do a bit of digging and found a website for it.

When I saw it I couldn’t see the exoframe being structural, turns out it is, apparently it helps eliminate internal pillars (and from the pics it looks like you only get a couple of vertical RSJs inside). The design is pretty impressive to me on account of how frail it looks relative to the rest of the building. Though if I’m honest, I’d probably go for traditional pillars to not have RSJs across the windows.


I just realised it was an Arup project, given all the other stuff they’ve done, I shouldn’t be surprised. :joy: