A compound word is a single word made up of two different words joined to form one word.
Eg: woodwork (wood + work)
In this game, people must change either the first half or second half of the word, to form another compound word.
Eg: housework or woodlouse
After this is done, the person suggests another compound word for other people to form another compound word from.
##Additional rules:
Each half of the compound word must be a legitimate standalone word (Not abbreviations either). So most Greek/Latin prefixes/suffixes are out. (Those are too simple anyway)
So no | geoscience → geolocation | nor | geoscience → pseudoscience fearsome → fearless (change of affix) | (That is too simple anyway.)
If it requires a hyphen, then it’s also not allowed.
So no | blue-collar → blue-black | nor | blue-collar → white-collar | (Don’t even post any compound word with a hyphen)
Last but not least, do not change the spelling of the half of the word that you keep.
So no handshake → handyman (or vice versa)
Edit: Do not change the position of the half of the word you keep!
So no shipyard → yardstick
OK let me start with an easy one: