Chronicles of Misery

:rofl: that’s almost philosophical :joy::joy:

Also it’s so typical that you look for the winner in being worst- for the ranking- :joy: everybody else would do it the other way round normal- to see which one is the greatest in peeps view-

But you are special and divers from the average and this thread was so nice for me to get your way of thinking- it makes me laugh most of the times and the parts that I liked most in all entries is when you literally let the reader into your head by telling us how you were thinking exactly in this situation- that was gold :heart_eyes:

Thanx for this thread and the stories and I’m somehow sure that this isn’t the last story of misery- maybe this thread ended but I’m sure to find the newest stuff from you in the grind thread :joy:


This! You almost went into psychology terrotories with this one lol!

Another fun read, you should definitely do more in the future. Sadly I can very much relate to your public transport struggles. It’s been a pain in the arse lately

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E10 too dark, @AJ_7? :stuck_out_tongue:

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haha, you underestimate my darkness :joy:. I loved all, it was tough to choose. I agree with it but of all I felt the story could have been tighter. It really was tough to choose though, and it’s more like, if I absolutely had to it would be this one :joy:

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That one was probably the most difficult to put down the way I wanted, easily the most ‘personal’ or as personal as these get beyond their humour.

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Didn’t think I’d be back here, but I am. This one is coming out of nowhere, but I felt like writing one. This is only a very quick one as I don’t exactly have time to write anything long these day.

Entry 11: "It's a trap!"

Entry 11: "It’s a trap!"

Ah, that now-immortal quote from good ol’ admiral Ackbar. It rings very true these days, especially today. Be honest, you thought this was going to be Entry 11, maybe you got excited for a bit. Don’t worry, I did too and I still am. As you sit there reading this, I’m probably sitting at my laptop typing away at my dissertation and being miserable, but not as miserable as I could be, because I know that I just crushed the hopes of an April fool! LMAO :joy: :joy: :joy:

You know, the title really should have thrown up a million red flags.


Nice one - Master Trollinator :joy::joy:- and I first thought a new person wrote a feedback … and I bought it as entry 11… :joy::joy:… and btw: :stuck_out_tongue: I found a spelling mistake: in your introduction you wrote exacty …,


Lmaoooooo!!! :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: That’s one of the most funny I read! Well done! You got all my admiration for this one! :joy: :rofl: :rofl:

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Love Admiral Agbar!
One of the great Persons in history.

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Damn you!! Hahahaha this is the second time already today :joy:


Thanks, fixed.

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Nice job @the_termin8r you got me but nevertheless I enjoyed reading it

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C’mon dude :joy::joy: nice fool Mr. Troll of forums!

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First one done!
Great fun to read your rants!:laughing:
And your misery! :sunglasses:
It’s not allowed to hunt foxes in the UK?
How do you manage that?
Here the shoot the whole year around, even the little ones. And there are still foxes every were.

I will continue reading. That much for sure!
All in good time. :hugs:

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I’m moving to Germany, you have no motorway speed limits, you have the Nurburgring and you can shoot foxes on sight and at will. :joy:



You need a hunting translucent.
And this licence is also called the green graduation.:man_student: :gun:

Thanks haven, I live in a country were not everyone is armed.

So, Rob, it’s me again.
You are a big, fat lier!!!
All this talk about not having talent and especially no writing talent.
You are a fucking genius!!!
I haven’t read through everything, jet. And I also haven’t read any other comments.
Your writing is direct, clear, gripping, sometimes hilarious, sometimes painful, sometimes both.
I already expected this from your Personal Project topic, but still.
Did you know way I read your stuff before? I have not the slightest interest in engineering what so ever and I wouldn’t go to that much trouble to do some ass kissing.
It’s your story telling.
You hold your audience to the text, explain complicated stuff the way dumb wits like me can follow, give heavy parts the necessary easiness, let the reader feel connected with you, give a lots of LMAO moments. You are ready to show yourself naked and accept what may come in return.
I myself have no talent in spelling, commas, grammar, and it took me years, still takes me, to overcome this and see myself as a writer. But all that isn’t necessary, all you need is hold people on the table!
That’s something I can do, and I myself only want to read stuff that do exactly that with me. Keep me reading!
That is what you do!
And, yes, I feel connected with you.
It’s because of your writing, I know that too. And I know that it feels strange for you on the other side.
I write a monthly column about my shepherding life and I sometimes meet people who talk very familiar with me, as if we were friends for years. Always disturbing to me, but also a honor to my writing skills.
That goes for you too!
And on top of that, you have this engineering mind.
So not ever talk to me about not talented again.
Ok, there, I have to give in, do what you must.
But please, don’t stop writing!
Crap, now I’m late.


Bloody hell. Someone’s triggered. :joy:


If it’s done in any other way, then I have failed.

How about no? :joy:

Like I’ve said before, it comes from a place of apathy, I’ve stopped caring about a lot of things these days.

A bell cannot be un-rung. The ‘quality’ of my entries decreases with each one and E4 fell flat on its face so hard that it was felt in Japan.

Talented I’m not (not counting my talent to annoy). Skilled, perhaps.

COM is pretty much dead. I started to get bored for writing at around E6, I had to force myself through the last four. E11 was a special edition one that randomly came to me.


Seems so :flushed:
I see that today. :upside_down_face:

I didn’t meen it that way!
I read all of your writing, also the geeky stuff or the jokes.
Write for yourself not others.:hugs:

I will sure comment some more, when I have read more.


I’ve had no idea that this thread exists (as it’s older than my presence in here) till @anna834 commented it now.
I like the way you complain. Maybe because I’m famous of comlaining in some areas.
I must say I’ve just spat my screen reading the following:

I have to memorize the expression. It Will be useful these days.