:relaxed: good morning! So I go for. the red dots …

Everyone’s guesses are completely wrong.

Hint: What I tampered with :grin:

great hint, kinda this?

(it was a nce morning-gift…):blush: btw, I consider to write email again :slight_smile:

No you’re supposed to guess what’s odd.

:joy: sorry. seems me the one confused -…and I was so proud…:triumph: .hahaha, nothing I see is odd, only these dots…
you have to solve later what this thing is in original…

OK just circle which part of the string you think is odd.

one of the strings ( nice word…:stuck_out_tongue:.) ok, but I have no paint on my tablett…so I go for the string on the right side, not the absolute right with the red dot but this beneath with the two red dots ( omg, let’s this be understandable…) :thinking: and :wave: have to see my work…

Which two? No, neither two either.

No he didn’t. I did :stuck_out_tongue:

lol :joy:
just a note: third day in new job, today internet reserch, so I research here at first…

Stringst dein brain until it became twisted? :stuck_out_tongue:

god bless I have already a stringed brain


Are we still guessing from your pic @samuel_the_leader ?

I think so :thinking:, and I guess the cinnamon is odd :relaxed:[ the dot´s look like cinnamon to me…]

I guess it’s too difficult eh?

This is the part where I made the string thread under itself :stuck_out_tongue:

Should I create another one or tag somebody else?

Tag somebody.

Right, I should conserve it for another time.

I tag you @the_termin8r :stuck_out_tongue:

I knew that would happen lol. I’m in the middle of a circuit transplant for one of my RC cars so I’ll post later on.

omg Rob, did the patient survive? @the_termin8r :blush:

It actually started off as an exorcism because the car was acting as if it were possessed and then it ended up being a heart transplant. Or rather more of a brain transplant. It’s going well, I’m still working on it.