I sense we’re all avoiding the person in the wheelchair because they seem too obvious. Watch how in the end it will actually turn out to be them. :stuck_out_tongue:

No and no. Guess more.

the wheelchair man? Iam not tooafraid,sory…:grin: No for real: is this a snowman on the right hand of the woman in front?

No. Not the wheelchair man. I didn’t see what a toy it was.

hi @Jabin_Quaken how are you Dude? Hope it is ruling this life? :smiley:

Hi. Just have no time for anything. A lot of work. How are you?

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The lady in the blue shirt

No. Tell me if you need a hint.

The bucket shaped bag like thing in the right?

No. To find what’s odd, you have to translate the lettering on the wall.

The only one I can make out is the something prohibited sign.

EDIT: I can make out the all of the letters apart from the second to last on in the top word. I feel like an idiot for forgetting what it was. I think it’s an L.

Is this a correct reading of the top left sign @Jabin_Quaken


Which translates into “Trading Prohibited”

In which case the woman in the dark blue dress is the odd one out because she appears to be selling the things she’s holding.

Yeap. That was the point you had to find. You go.

So my translation was correct? Wow

I’m gonna try find something…

It was correct.

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Rob becomes the Detektiv of the lpu Good work man! :smiley:

Here’s a very easy one:

Is it the dice?


Is it… The DVD?
