you got it right @the_termin8r

wtf? respect man!
bot exlanation: this pic is showing a human respects gesture :sunglasses:


hi @theearlywalker

hey my sunshine? :slight_smile:

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how are you @theearlywalker

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caughin like hell… with this greenish finish that you like to puke after too :money_mouth:

me too like ive a very bad throatache since this morning

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so lets care each other a while! lets play lpu!

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@theearlywalker how do we play lpu?

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I saw all the general colours and then scanned for one that looked like it didn’t belong there. I was actually about to close the pic and give up when the light blue caught my eye :stuck_out_tongue:

A slightly easier one:

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Oh come on, it’s not that hard. I’ll even give you a hint, it’s in the top half of the pic.

your mobile phone?

That blue document (looks like a passport)?

my brainspace for technical perception is so small, can t see something wrong instead of the wire mess … :eyes:

The blue paper on the left?

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No, that’s my old one, IDK why I keep it around there anyway.

If you mean the thing just below the phone then no, it’s just a mini notepad.

No, not the wires.


7 guesses left.

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The thingie (memory stick adaptor?) connected to your laptop?

Nope, and that’s my crappy £3 key chain camera charging. lol

the cup on the coffee thing?

Do you mean the picture on the place mat? If so, no.