redcable bottom not connected

Sine wave making funny shape (I mean two overlapping), how is that even possible?

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I donā€™t even know what Iā€™m looking at. It looks like a heart monitor to meā€¦ dunno what might be odd about it. Maybe the red wire connecting to the black socket (not even sure if thatā€™s the right word) at the bottom?


Itā€™s two waves, the smaller one is the input (which is coming from the signal generator [the top box]) and the larger is an output which is coming from my circuit. Itā€™s connected to an amplifier circuit (the circuit is out of shot). The bits missing from the waves in the pic are just bits that the camera couldnā€™t catch.

Itā€™s an oscilloscope. It basically lets you analyse the frequency and voltage of one or two electrical waves.

The splitter is black with a black screw on and a red screw on bit. The red is plugged to red but you canā€™t see in the pic.

Okā€¦ Find the odd one out

Is it that little browny penguin kid?

I searched it , found it, and it is sure the odd, but me IĀ“m going with the big brown one [ whats the name btw? Seal or so???:worried:]

Or is it a sea lion?

yes, it is the big seal :slight_smile:

so I gonna make a set for ya guysā€¦just a min, and if mobile likes to doā€¦

soo choose

Are those eggs over there?

Looks like it is some romantic evening movie watching kit. I also canā€™t recognize some stuff because of the picā€™s quality.

Donā€™t know, what it is behind that vine-glass looking candle holder. Looks like some wooden ruler and if so, I think, that it doesnā€™t match here.

Otherwise, I err and itā€™s just a box of long matches to lite those egg-looking candles (if they are) and itā€™s that coin or something that doesnā€™t match.

The glass, wine should be drunk from the bottle :stuck_out_tongue:

all wrong ā€¦lol, itĀ“s one of @the_termin8r1 style a - hardcore one-, clue @gatsie on the best way, go on mb 2-3 ideas and IĀ“ll tell ya, :upside_down: [love the new smileys lol :spy:]

Hmmmā€¦ maybe itā€™s aaammmā€¦ umgekehrt?
One glass missing?

Why is the glass bigger than the bottle?

this is no ā€œglassā€ itĀ“s a candleholder lol :grinning: and the eggs are the candlesā€¦lol and both not odd

Now whatis that behind the candleholder? Did I guess? Is that a box of matches?

And that thing to the left of it? A coin? No?

left: an unsudes tissue, beneath the thre blinking things are coaster for glasses, the back wooden think is a Incenseholder, the tissue box two bottles of wineā€¦thats all on the pic interessting on this oneā€¦lol me :sweat_smile:

The radiator?