Chester Memorial Video

Hello! I work with a small YouTube channel called Plasma Coin Productions. Just like you, we have been deeply effected by Chester’s passing and we would like to honor him by making a memorial video. We wanted to put One More Light as the background music to the video. The basis of the video would be a montage of Chester, but we thought it would make the video more special by having fans sing it too (at a memorial, on their own, etc.). If you have a video you would like to share message it to me! Thanks in advance for the help!

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hey there. we did a memorial to chester in israel and we seng there… i have the video if you whant… jest let me know…

That would be awesome! Can you send it to me?

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Of courses… that’s the link, we posted this on Facebook…


And we have more videos in the YouTube account…


Hey! Here’s the end result of my video! Thank you so much for helping out! :heart::heart::heart:


So touching… :disappointed_relieved: I like this video so much!you did a great work… Chester will be with us forever… :heart: :heart: :heart:


Thank you for the kind words, they mean a lot! I agree wholeheartedly, Chester will always be in our hearts.

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Very emotional the video.

That’s amazing :purple_heart: :cry: